Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

L. V. Eppelbaum ^ *, S. E. Itkis b 
a Dept. of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences, Raymond and Beverly Sackler of Exact Sciences, Tel Aviv University, 
Ramat Aviv 69978, Tel Aviv, Israel - lev@frodo.tau.ac.il 
b Dept. of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er-Sheva, Israel - 
KEY WORDS: Archaeology, Geophysics, Surveying, Application, Mathematics, Development, Interpretation, System 
Christian archaeological site Emmaus-Nicopolis is well known in the ancient and Biblical history. The site located halfway between 
Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, first built in the 5th century, over the site believed to be the place where Jesus appeared to two of his 
disciples after his resurrection. The Crusaders rebuilt it on a smaller scale in the 12th century. Two sites were examined by detailed 
magnetic investigations: (A) 25 x 40 m and (B) 10 x 24 m. Distance between the observation points was 1 meter, but not all points 
were accessible due to dense vegetation and rugged topography. Quantitative interpretation of magnetic anomalies was conducted 
using modern quantitative methods specially developed for complicated environments: oblique magnetization, rugged terrain relief 
and unknown level of the normal field. A distinct peculiarity of the survey was the fact that from these areas an upper part of soil 
(about two meters) containing modern contamination targets has been recently removed. A primary aim of this investigation was 
detection of buried ancient tunnels partially discovered at the eastern part of Emmaus-Nicoplis. However, performed survey 
allowing to revealing at least three high-intensive positive anomalies at the area A and one significant anomaly at the area B. Thus, 
all revealed anomalies (after removing 2m soil) must reflect some buried ancient remains. Determined depth of the upper edge of 
anomalous sources ranges from 0.7 to 1 m. Reliability of performed quantitative interpretation was successfully confirmed by 3-D 
modeling of magnetic field. The obtained results (they may have a great archaeological importance) were transmitted to 
archaeological group working at this site. The proposed ancient targets will be archaeologically inspected at the nearest time 
(apparently, until October 2003). 
The territory of Israel, in spite of comparatively small 
dimensions (21,000 km 2 ), is very attractive for archaeologists 
taking into account its dramatic ancient and Biblical history. It 
is undisputable fact that location of archaeological sites at 
Israeli territory is the densest in the world (for instance, Meyer, 
1996; Reich, 1992). Christian remains consist of significant 
part of the total number of discovered archaeological objects. 
The Christian remains, according to the accomplished 
experience, occur in the subsurface layer at depth from 0 to 3 
meters and often hold their initial correct (quasi-correct) 
geometrical form. Detailed magnetic survey is successfully 
applied to searching and localization of the remains, as rapid, 
effective and non-invasive tools for revealing a broad range of 
various targets: buried walls, columns, foundations, 
underground tunnels, chambers, water pipe systems and high 
temperature features (Dalan, and Banerjee, 1996; Eppelbaum, 
2000; Frese and Noble, 1984; Herwanger et al., 2000; 
Weymouth, 1996). Geophysical surveys provide a ground plan 
of cultural remains before excavations or may be even used 
instead of excavations. Road and plant construction, selection 
of areas for various engineering and agricultural aims are 
usually accompanied by detailed geophysical (first of all, 
magnetic) investigations. Such investigations should help 
estimate the possible archaeological significance of the area 
under study. Rapid (first results may be obtained during a few 
hours - several days) and reliable interpretation of magnetic 
data should provide protection of archaeological remains from 
unpremeditated destruction. 
Interpretation of magnetic surveys in Israel is complicated by a 
strong oblique magnetization of the Earth’s magnetic field 
(about 42-44°). The multi-layered and variable structure of the 
upper part of the geological section (Dan, 1988; Rabikovitz, 
1992) often does not allow calculating the level of the normal 
magnetic field within the studied sites. Noise caused by 
industrial iron and iron-containing objects sometimes reaches 
high values. Rugged relief also disturbs the effect from the 
buried objects and complicates quantitative interpretation of 
magnetic anomalies (Eppelbaum and Khesin, 2001). The 
complicated conditions of the survey require application of 
sophisticated magnetic equipment, advanced methods of 
qualitative and quantitative interpretation as well 3-D modeling 
of magnetic field. The developed methods (Eppelbaum et al., 
2000b; Khesin et al., 1996) allowed to eliminate noise, to reveal 
archaeological remains and calculate their depth and size, and 
to conduct an accurate 3-D modeling of magnetic fields. 
Eppelbaum et al. (2003b) have shown an importance of correct 
mathematical formalization of geophysical/archaeological 
* Corresponding author.

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