CIP A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
Photograph 6 -Access to the Agora from the Anafartalar
Hatuniye Mosque is located in the square bearing the same
name, at the intersection point of Qelebizade Street, that is, the
side street numbered 943, and Anafartalar Street. It was in the
year 1640 (in 1056 according to the Muslim calendar) that
Tayyibe Hatun had the mosque built; however, its originality
has somewhat suffered from the repairs and additions made
later. The top cover in the main building is in the form of a large
dome, whereas in the additional building it consists of a smaller
dome and two diagonal vaults.
Donerta§ Public Fountain is one of the most attractive and best-
maintained public fountains in town, and is located at the corner
of Anafartalar and the 945th. It is supposed that Osmanzade
Seyyid Ismail Rahmi Efendi had it built in 1814 (Aktepe, 1976).
The public fountain has a rectangular plan with a dome on top
covered with roof tiles in the Ottoman style. The name
'Donerta?' ('Rotatingstone' in English) comes from the once
rotating round marble column adjoining the structure.
Photograph 7 - Hatuniye Square -The Donerta$ Public
When the fabric of historical houses in the square is studied,
prominent are those consisting of a basement and two floors
bearing details such as a oriel window, corner treatments, floor
and eave elements, doors and windows with decorative railings.
A few examples of original houses are; on the Anafartalar Street
side, the building located on the plot of land numbered 120,
currently used as a guesthouse, the shop and the house located
on the plots numbered 21 and 22, and on the 943 rd Street side,
the building on the plot numbered 71, and finally on the 1300 th
Street side those on the plots 1, 4, and 17 (Akyiiz Levi, 2000).
1.2 Hatuniye Square
Should the gate on the Anafartalar Street, which was recently
opened but is not currently available due to excavations in
progress, be used for access to the Agora, one finds the
Hatuniye Square located at a further point of the road. The
square accommodates two significant monumental buildings,
Hatuniye Mosque and Donerta? Public Fountain, and in addition
to the shrine in the vicinity, which is an effective attraction for
faith tourism, the square also possesses two remarkable
attributes; it displays the 19 ,h -20 th century fabric of houses and
is located in the proximity of the Agora.
Photograph 5 - View from the 943 rd street
Upon examining the routes in question, one does not find them
to be well-maintained streets leading to a most outstanding
historical focus of attention, and therefore are in urgent need to
be remedied in terms of landscaping and façade renovations.
Concerning the historical buildings, those elements disturbing
the originality of the façades should be removed. Another
matter pertaining to tokens of urban life such as lampposts and
signboards needs to be looked into. In this respect, a most
appropriate solution would be to install the cables underground,
and to introduce an inspection on the size and characteristics of
publicity tools such as signs. Where the interiors are concerned,
contemporary standards of comfort should be conformed with.
It is also suggested that these buildings - the whole Hatuniye
Square for instance - be equipped with a secondary function to
serve cultural tourism, such as using these for accommodation
facilities, restaurants or cafés.