Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIP A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
the iron railings of the windows be replaced, and finally a 
solution concerning the entrance and stairs be introduced. 
Some other recommendations for the purpose of creating a 
symbolic focus are; to position a marble table in order to reflect 
the quality of a centre for positive participation, to install over 
the table an arbor or “sukot” as in Jewish culture in the form of 
a pergola, and to have on the surrounding walls an exhibit on 
display expressing the Jewish identity, historical and cultural 
inheritance by means of verbal and visual elements. 
When the area is accessed from the îkiçeçmelik Street, one 
recognizes the necessity to re-design the floor coverings of the 
roads, as well as the greens and the water element. As for the 
renovation of the building façades in the street, it is required 
that the tile covered walls, etc. be picked out, and objects such 
as signs and billboards be re-designed. 
Following is the recommended route for daily excursions: 
1. Bayrakli (Ancient Smyrna) - Tepekule 
2. Kadifekale (Pagos) - A panoramic 
perception of the city and a visit to the castle 
3. Antique Theatre - Viewing the remains 
4. Hatuniye Square - Sightseeing activities in 
the historical structures and experiencing the 
5. The Agora - Viewing the remains 
6. Religious Focus - Visiting the synagogue 
buildings and viewing the exhibitions, etc. 
held in Kedo?e Synagogue and the Peace 
7. Religious Focus - Visiting the selected 
mosques (Kestanepazari Mosque, Ba?durak 
Mosque and Kemeralti Mosque in 
Anafartalar Street, and Yah Mosque in the 
Konak Square) 
In terms of presenting and emphasizing the historical 
inheritance of the city by means of daily excursions, after seeing 
the Bayrakli Settlement (Ancient Smyrna), a witness to the 
foundation of the city and the Prehistoric, Aeolic and Ionic 
periods as we know it; Kadifekale crowning the city of Izmir, 
the Antique Theatre and the Hatuniye Square will be visited. 
The next part of the tour will be on foot. Following a stroll in 
the square and in the Agora, the archeological centre, the groups 
will arrive via ikiqe^melik Street at the synagogues and 
mosques, the religious attractions of the tour, which will be 
finalized in the Konak Square. 
Since the mosques included in this study still serve their 
religious purpose and some of them have been restored only 
recently, this paper does not offer any suggestions regarding 
these buildings. Yet the roads that are part of the route need to 
be considered in terms of their floor covering and landscaping 
Aiming at the conservation of the historical riches of Izmir and 
passing them on to the next generations, the collective 
evaluation of historical assets selected will bridge the past and 
the future, while enabling viewers to visit different periods in 
time and to experience shortly the life back then. Kadifekale, 
bearing the traces of several periods from the Hellenistic to the 
Ottoman, the Agora and the Theatre from the Hellenistic- 
Roman periods, monuments and fabric of houses descending 
from the last centuries, and religious buildings dating back as 
early as the 16 th century are bound to incorporate the past into 
the future. 
Aktepe, M., 1976a. Izmir Sulari, <^e?me ve Sebilleri ile 
$adirvanlari Hakkinda Bir Ara?tirma, Tarih Dergisi, (30), 
pp. 135-200. 
Akyüz Levi, E., 2000a. Izmir Hatuniye Meydam Renovasyon 
Cah$masi. Izmir Kent Kültürü Dergisi, (2), pp. 180-186. 
Akyüz, E., 1985. Izmir: Kentin Tarihsel Clevre Araftirmasi ve 
Koruma-Restorasyon Önerileri. Izmir. 
Duyuran, R. , 1945a. izmir’de Namazgah’ta 1944 Yilinda 
Yapilan Kaziya Ait Kisa Rapor. Belleten, (IX), pp. 405-409. 
Naumann, R. & Kantar, S. , 1950a. Die Agora von Smyrna. 
Istanbuler Forschungen, (17), pp. 69-114. 
Texier, C., 1862. Asie Mineure, Paris. 
The General Directorate of Foundation, Monument Card, 
Dossier Number 350101/17. 
Galante, A., 1960. Histoire des Juifs de Turquie. istanbul. 
I wish to express my sincere thanks to Nur Kocasoy, Aylin 
Ertem, Bahar Sintaç and Ilkay Baldag for his contribution to the 
architectural survey activities of the street façades surrounding 
the Hatuniye Square, and to master’s degree students Gôkçe D. 
$enol, Burcu Karaki? and Içil Pekmezci for their contribution 
to those on the access route to the Agora.

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