Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
Figura 3 
1.8 Geometrical analysis of the plan: first 
A first elaboration has been made in order to study the 
geometry and the hypothetical criteria of the scheme 
and layout of the plan. 
For example, in the tetraconco the four circumferences 
generated by the four sectors of the exedra have been 
defined through the minimization of the square 
deviation between the surveyed points (about thirty) 
and the circumference interpolated through the same 
points (fig. 4). 
The hypothesis that the exedras belong to a 
circumference appears to be logical a posteriori either 
for the radial deviations obtained between the real 
position of the observed points and the interpolated 
circumference, or for the root-mean-square deviation of 
the four calculated radiuses, or for the fact that the four 
radiuses are similar. The four interpolated 
circumferences which are obtained from the points 
belonging to the curvilinear parts of the eight bearing 
piles, considered two at a time corresponding to the 
relative exedras, set out circumferences nearly

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