During the time of this scholarship some tools have been
developed and established to contribute to the RecorDIM
initiative to close the gap between information providers and
information users. Whether these tools are efficient or not
depends on the usage of the materials and software and the
feedback we get from the users.
The material can be found at present on the Internet at the URL:
www.archpho.al-wie.de. It can be used free of charge
exclusively for education and teaching purposes.
LeBlanc, F. & Ch. Gray, 2002: The Getty Conservation Institute
Proposed Partnership with ICOMOS-CIPA for Recording,
Documentation, and Information Management. Proc. of the
XVIII. CIPA Int. Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, Oct. 18.-21
2001. International Archives for Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing (IAPRS). Vol. XXXIV - 5/C7,, pp. 315-321.
Letellier, R., 2002: “Bridging the Gap” between Information
Users and Information Provider. Proc. of the XVIII. CIPA Int.
Symposium, Potsdam, Germany, Oct. 18.-21 2001.
International Archives for Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing (IAPRS). Vol. XXXIV - 5/C7,, pp. 13-18.
Lettelier, R. & Ch. Gray, 2002: Bridging the Gap Between
Information Users and Information Providers, June 2002
(46pp., PDF format, 404KB) Recording, Documentation and
Information Management (RecorDIM) Initiative, Report of
Roundtable 1 (March 4-5, 2002). The Getty Conservation
Institute, Los Angeles, California, USA. URL:
(accessed Oct 29, 2002)
Wiedemann, A., J. Moré & R. Tauch, 2003: Archimedes3D -
An Integrated System for the Generation of Architectural
Orthoimages. Proc. of the XIX. CIPA Int. Symposium,
Potsdam, Germany, Sept. 30,- Oct. 4., 2002. International
Archives for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (IAPRS). In
this Volume.
The corresponding author, Albert Wiedemann, would like to
thank the Getty Conservation Institute for the great opportunity
to work in this great professional and social environment of the
Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles, California. It was a
magnificent experience, thanks to the kind colleagues and the
generous hospitality. As a result of many intensitive
conversations I learned a lot about the other side of the “Gap”.
Thank you!