Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CIPA 2003 XIX 11 ' International Symposium, 30 September — 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
University of 
ly on Coppa 
ments of the 
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: presence of 
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Figure 10. a) Location of the CpO profile respect to the excavations, b) Lateral view of the recovered structures showing the two 
stone made coverings separated by a filling of earth. 
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: igure 9. The 
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As regards the right part of the pseudosections it is worth noting 
the lack of resistivity anomalies which could be connected to 
the presence of a further stone covering delimiting the other side 
of the supposed ditch. This outcome made the archaeologists 
conclude that the ditch was strengthened only on the side close 
to the boundary wall. In fact the possibility that the ditch could 
be longer than 18m and therefore its external wall located 
outside the surveyed area is considered to be extremely 
The geophysical surveys have successfully provided important 
information to the archaeological research in four different 
situations. Summarizing the obtained results it is worth pointing 
out schematically the following aspects: 
• all the highlighted anomalies had a full archaeological 
• both the position and the shape of the signals have 
shown a good correspondence to those of the sources 
• the structures brought to the light by the excavations 
are mostly made of calcareous material and were 
hosted by a clayey soil 
• environmental noises of various origins were present 
particularly regarding the magnetic surveys 
Definitely, geophysical surveys both magnetic and electric has 
proven to be quite an effective tool in locating buried 
archaeological structures and guiding excavations with a great 
saving of money and time. 
The often unlikely environmental conditions and the presence of 
weak sources of signal (calcareous material could be considered 
almost inert by the magnetic point of view) affected negatively 
the survey. Nevertheless using proper field procedures to collect 
data and good processing techniques it is possible to obtain the 
maximum content of information. Finally high resolution 
magnetic and electric images are fundamental in order to 
recognize the structures even from the shape of their anomalies. 
References from Journals: 
Becker, H., 1995. From Nanontesla to Picotesla - A New 
Window For Magnetic Prospecting in Archaeology. 
Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 2, pp. 217-228. 
Ciminale M., 2003. A High-resolution Magnetic Mosaic at the 
Kyme Archaeological Site (Turkey). Archaeological Prospection 
Vol. 10, pp. 119-130. 
Ciminale M., Loddo M., 2001. Aspects of Magnetic Data 
Processing. Archaeological Prospection. Vol. 4, pp 239-246. 
Ciminale M., Ricchetti E., 1999. Non-destructive Exploration in 
the Archaeological Park of Metaponto (Southern Italy). 
Archaeological Prospection, Vol. 6, pp. 75-84. 
Eder-Hinterleitner A., Neubauer W., Melichar P., 1996. 
Restoring Magnetic Anomalies. Archaeological Prospection, 
Vol. 3, pp. 185-197. 
Lagona S., 1993. Kyme eolica: fonti storia, topografia. 
Cronache di Archeologia Università di Catania 32, pp. 19-33. 
Volpe G. et al., 2002. // complesso episcopale paleocristiano di 
san Pietro a Canosa. Prima relazione preliminare (campagna 
di scavi 2001). Vetera Christianorum. anno 39, fase. 1, pp. 134- 
References from Books: 
Mather P. M., 1999. Computer Processing of Remotely-Sensed 
Images. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester. 
Scollar L, Tabbagh A., Hesse A., Herzog L, 1990. 
Archaeological Prospecting and Remote Sensing. Cambridge, 
Cambridge University Press. 
Ward H. S., 1990. Resistivity and Induced Polarization 
Methods. In Geotechnical and Environmental Geophysics, 
Vol. 1 Review and Tutorials, S.E.G., Oklahoma, pp. 147-186. 
References from websites: 
Cazzella A.. L’insediamento fortificato dell'età del Bronzo di 
Coppa Nevigata (Manfredonia): risultati degli scavi effettuati 
nel mese di settembre 1999. 
Http://antichità.lt.uniromal ,it/news/z_neviga.htm (accessed 
The authors wish express their gratitude to the archaeologists 
Sebastiana Lagona, Giuliano Volpe, Angela Ciancio and 
Alberto Cazzella for fruitful discussion and cooperation. The 
study was supported financially by MIUR Cofin 99 and 
University of Bari EF 01/02. We wish gratefully acknowledge 
the text review by Betta Pesole.

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