Full text: New perspectives to save cultural heritage

CI P A 2003 XIX th International Symposium, 30 September - 04 October, 2003, Antalya, Turkey 
One conclusion of the project is the recommendation for a 
hybrid recording using common procedures of building survey 
and photogrammetric usable pictures to get an accurate and 
photo realistic result. 
One outcome of the excursion to Samoa and Fiji is this project. 
In discussion with lecturers at the University of the South 
Pacific the idea for NAVALIS started. 
In the moment co-operation talks are in progress and the rising 
for funds has been started. 
3.1 Navala 
The village of Navala situated in the Nausori Highlands, Viti 
Levu, Fiji is unique for the region of the South Pacific. It is the 
only village, which remains its traditional way of building and 
living as a result of the decision by the village committee, to 
build all houses only in the traditional way. This decision 
affects the everyday life of the village and also its future 
development. The traditional lifestyle of Fijians lived in an 
indigenous surrounding is of interest for Tourism on one hand 
but also for importance for the whole South Pacific Region. As 
Tourism can be the most important income factor in the future, 
which enables the village to set up their settlement, and its 
surroundings in a way to make it most convenient for its 
inhabitants and best adapted to its environment. The special 
situation of the village can be used as an example to 
demonstrate the possibility to keep tradition visible for everyone 
in architecture and also inside the society. 
Fig. 10: Navala 
To invent new ideas and projects there is a need for 
comprehensive planning tools that build the base for every 
reasonable development. The project NAVALIS will provide 
the first parts of a comprehensive interdisciplinary collection of 
materials, information and data about the region of Navala. 
3.2 Objectives 
The aim of NAVALIS is to build up a comprehensive collection 
of material available of the settlement and its surrounding areas 
and to put it into a geo-referenced context. This information 
system can be used for future projects for the development of 
the village. 
Base of the system will be a digital terrain model in connection 
with data concerning 
• Inhabitants 
Base for every development project is the knowledge about 
the people. To know about the needs, the ideas, the visions 
of the inhabitants are the most important factor for any 
That fore NAVALIS will collect the demographic status of 
the village, will put together the output of interviews with 
the villagers about their present life and their future 
objectives and will show up the population development. 
• Architecture 
Architecture serves not only the purpose of housing, it is 
also an expression of the lifestyle, it is the vivid symbol for 
the history of its owners, users and a part of the cultural 
heritage of the whole village. 
NAVALIS will collect the information about the houses of 
Navala. Architects will survey the structure of each house. 
In combination with the information about the used 
material, the way of construction and maintenance these 
data will provide a vivid description of the buildings. This 
will provide the possibility to construct new houses in the 
traditional way and will keep the knowledge of this 
important part of the cultural heritage of the Fiji Islands. 
• Biodiversity 
The knowledge about the biodiversity is the initial point for 
further research work concerning new ways of agriculture. 
It Is important to know which flora and fauna is present in 
an area to decide which new developments in planting and 
farming may be invented without disturbing the natural 
environment. NAVALIS will combine the results of 
research works of scientists working in the field of botanic 
and zoology and make their statistics available in the 
information system. 
• Geology and Geomorphology 
A well-founded cognition about the geology and the 
geomorphology of a region offers the numerous 
possibilities for projects concerning urban and regional 
planning, water supply and disposal and any development, 
which is influenced by and influences the environment. 
NAVALIS will show the geological and géomorphologie 
structures of the mountainous surrounding area of Navala 
within the digital terrain model of the geographic 
information system. 
• Climate 
Statistics about the micro-climate in a region may be of use 
for agricultural or water supply related researches as well as 
developments concerning the production of energy e.g. with 
NAVALIS will summarize available data and implement it 
into the context of other environmental data, so it can be of 
use for future developments for the power supply for the 
village of Navala. 
3.3 Method and Organisation 
Basic idea of NAVALIS is build up a comprehensive archive of 
available data about the village of Navala and it’s closer 
environment. The data will be collected in a database and geo- 
referenced within a GIS. This system will be used for modelling 
future scenarios for different infrastructure measures. Finally 
these models have to be transformed in a way that is 
understandable and useful for the inhabitants of Navala. 
The project NAVALIS will be a joint project of the Department 
of Geography of the University of the South Pacific, SOPAC, 
South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission, the Mineral 
Resources Department, the Forestry Department (Mafif- Colo-i 
Suva), the MET (Meteorological Station) Nadi with support of 
the National Trust for Fiji and the Fiji Land Information System 
(FLIS) in Fiji and the Institute for History and Theory of 
Architecture and Historic Buildings Survey of the University of 
Technology Vienna and the Institute for Social and Cultural 
Anthropology of the University Vienna, the Institute for Forest

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