The topographic survey
The topographic scheme is a close polygonal and the
vertices are the station points used for the detailed survey.
Employing an electronic theodolite Wild TC 2000
including an infrared distantiometer we determined the
plano-aitimetric coordinates of more than 800 points,
with a rather good distribution that is to say homogenous
and useful for a significative representation.
The following figure concerns a large scale elaborate (
1:1000 ) with contour lines of 1 meter obtained by the
interpolation of the 800 detailed points: it means certainly
a good altimétrie description of the ancient place.
Besides we can observe the detailed planimetrical
representation locality (fig. 7): the correct localization of
the Kastro and the ruins of the most important fencing
With regards to the important archaeological aspect of
the walls it's to observe that the planimetrical information
of this figure will be completed earning out a terrestrial
photogrammetnc survey as we can sec soon.
Fig. 7 - The topographic survey
The photogrammetnc survey of the walls
The walls we can see in figures n c 1-2 and 3-4 have been
the object of the terrestrial photogrammetnc survey
performed out using different methods.
Beginning with the employed instruments for taking the
photogramms. we can mention the metric camera Wild P
31, focal lenght 100 mm ( more exatly 99.48 mm ) and
photogramms size 9 x 12 cm 2 .
Besides, during this operative phase we used the
semimetric camera Rollev 6006. focal lenght 40 mm and
photogramms square size of 6 cm.
With reference to a first wail example we observe that all
the control points useful for the absolute model
orientation have been before signalized with apposite thin
sticked cardboards.
The three coordinates of these points have been
determined following the topographic scheme of the
forward intersection and using, of course, the same
instrument mentioned before (TC 2000 ).
The traditional restitution of the wall n° 4 was performed
employing the analythical plotter Galileo Digicart 40.
The graphical elaborate on a rather high representation
scale 1 : 20 is certainly very good for what it concerns
metrical considerations.
It's possible to observe also the graphical elaborate
carried out taking care of the contour lines (each every 2
Fig. 8 - The analythical restitution of the wall n°4
This complete and accuracy three-dimensional
representation is not yet satisfactory enough for the
descriptive aspects, that is to say. for example, the
conservation situation of the wall.
These last information are instead included in a further
elaborate ( of course at the same scale 1:20) obtained by
restitution with only one photogramm. using the
rectification method.
The employed instrument in this case, was the Zeiss
SEG VI and the result of this work appears in the next
figure 9.
The two different methods ( classical model restitution
and rectification of only one photogram ) give a very’
good opportunity to investigate the archeological walls.
In fact both the aspects: the geometrical and the
descriptive one are very well safeguarded