Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

M. Caprioli - P. De Fazio 
Politecnico di Bari 
Dipartimento di Vie e Trasporti 
Sezione Topografia e Cartografia 
Via Orabona; 70124 Bari; Italia 
Ph: ++39-080-5460387;Fax ++39-080-5460329 
e-mail: caprioli@dvt005.poliba.it 
ISPRS Commission VI - Working Group 3 
Abstract: The Photogrammetric Digital System is always having an increasing diffusion and an 
importance that, during these last years, has the tendency to overcome that one of the Analytical tools. 
The purpose of this paper is to proceed to a comparison between a Photogrammetric plotting made 
with an analytical instrument and a plotting performed with techniques of digital Photogrammetry, in 
terms of differences of points coordinates. 
Key words: analytical plotting, digital plotting, image matching. 
1. Introduction 
The I.S.P.R.S. (International Society for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) 
defines a Photogrammetric Digital System as a 
whole of «hardware and software to derive 
Photogrammetric products from digital images 
using manual and automatic techniques». 
During the congress of 1988 in Kyoto it was 
introduced the first D.P.W. (Digital 
Photogrammetric Workstation) used for 
extracting some informations from the images; 
the following decade has been strongly 
characterised from studies and fit searches to 
increase the degree of automatism in a 
Photogrammetric process. 
The Photogrammetric Digital System is 
always having an increasing diffusion and an 
importance that, during these last years, has 
the tendency to overcome that one of the 
analytical tools. 
The technological development in the field of 
the images acquisition has brought, in the 
Photogrammetric sector, to the development of 
new possibilities applicative and of innovative 
Currently we are in a phase of transition; the 
digital systems are progressively taking the 
place of preceding Photogrammetric 
The passage from the Analogical 
Photogrammetry to Analytical one has not 
brought to new principles and new results on 
the contrary to an amelioration in terms of 
precision and productivity of the 
Photogrammetric process. 
The transition from the Analytical 
Photogrammetry to the Digital has not 
involved a substantial revolution, despite that 
the process and conventional principles of the 
Photogrammetry continue to be those 
traditional: the products are still coordinates of 
points, cartography. 
The advantage of the Digital Photogrammetry 
is essentially to seek in the big number of 
possible automatisms which reduce the 
intervention of the operator, also necessary for 
the control of the correctness of the varied 
operations, to least possible. 
The purpose of this paper is to proceed to a

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