)f using our site,
:over them! We
Lat we can keep
nprovements to
tionary view of
eds will change
ervices must be
ovide more and
} site, and more
ysis needs. We
n each module
i a module, or
r users, we will
r site. We hope
0 provide addi-
continuous: we
ng modules by
>ermit students
milation of the
designed to al-
sssively deeper
;e of treatment
profound. Fur-
oving old mod-
modules, giv-
>f materials to
More student-
,ted (based on
to expand the
nd analyses in-
md with an ex-
tations on the
or the mills of
1 analyze their
emporal ways.
3 developing in
ids, we are cre-
srarchical spa-
>ped with Ge-
iffith, of Syra-
ì of a new ser
ine math tutor
- an on-line resource to mathematics that epi
demiologists and public health professionals
find essential. One of the most serious skills
lacking in our pool of students was mathe
matical sophistication, and we seek to address
that need.
In the meantime, we approach the next year
with a complete course in hand, one which will
evolve with us as we increase our own knowl
edge and as we seek to “...provide students
with the knowledge, theory, and methodolog
ical skills for analyzing and interpreting the
spatial patterns of various diseases in order to
elucidate underlying exposure processes giv
ing rise to the observed patterns.” In this late
stage of our grant we hope to begin increasing
our distribution of the materials and the site.
It is our great hope that many others will find
our site worthy of a visit, and perhaps even
an extended stay, as the richness of the site
continues to grow\
[1] BioMedware, Ann Arbor, MI. Gamma:
Software for Statistical Inference with Spa
tial Data., 1999.
[2] GeoMed Home Page,
http: / /www. sph.umich.edu/~aelon/etc.
1999. Maintained by Andrew Long.
[3] GRASS Home Page,
[4] D. A. Griffith. Teaching spatial autocorre
lation by simulation. Journal of Geography
in Higher Education, 11(2), 1987.
[5] G. M. Jacquez. St at! Statistical Soft
ware for the Clustering of Health Events.
BioMedware, Ann Arbor, MI, 1994.