Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

f hardware used in 
ing: video-recorder 
omputer PowerPC 
64 Mb, HDD 2 GB, 
;so board (primary 
monitor), AV in and 
:or with a capability 
nect the computer 
1 analogical video- 
>rding is viewed at 
sible to adjust vari- 
ist, saturation, hue, 
ferent kind of com- 
i the format of the 
ids, the lowest at 1 
ie selected frames 
re acquired instead 
iges were exported 
t was about 1,5 cm. 
captured images 
g them were made, 
less, definition and 
d Media Suite Pro 
suit, these images 
uitable for the pur- 
CXpress delivered 
t image quality was 
lop. Moreover, this 
and it can be used 
lasing extra hard- 
ity, and particularly 
al acquisition at the 
it the possibility of 
s of information. As 
deo image is deter- 
ber of fields or pic- 
rated that the quai 
l's better when they 
n a video, and not 
ndeed, in this case 
i and clear, and the 
mage are sharper, 
re those produced 
ification, the four 
oShop software in 
:olours among the 
illumination of the 
is was done by 
the rectification of 
the automatic pro- 
ck the precision of 
le video; it is also 
The following was 
Ram 64 Mb, HDD 
with a capability to 
Figure 3 - Images Acquired by Avid Videoschop 
Figure 4 - Rectified Image

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