Full text: International cooperation and technology transfer

According to the results obtained in this work, we conclude: 
the precision in the presented detail drawing and in the 
given co-ordinates of antennae frame centre are not 
The use of DGPS might be enough to determine the co 
ordinates of one point in the WGS84 system 
consequently in the Italian National system with metric 
precision, by using known transformation parameters. 
The use of MDL instrument with caution may give 
accuracy at the level of decimetre in radiation surveying 
at the medium range, considering the advantages of 
taking many redundant measurements from two stations. 
The precision of Intersection surveying with Theodolite 
or total station may reach a few centimetres, but more 
field work is needed. 
Finally, using GPS integrated with classical methods may be 
considered as one of the good methodologies for positioning 
and orienting the mobile phone antennae. Afterwards the 
transformation parameters between the WGS84 system and 
the Italian National system have to be applied. This 
transformation between the two system has been made easier 
thanks to IGM95 network. 
This work was supported by the MURST (40%) funds for the 
year 1997. 
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