the smallest differences - inclouding printing paper
and light.
The anaglyph method is not ideal for use on all types
of maps in general as contours can be used (map
with contours on the anaglyph map gives even better
3D impression).
It is a fact that about 2% of otherwise normally-
sighted are “stereo-blind”. For unknown reasons
they can not achive stereo fusion in artificial
Binocular vision can be impaired by stress. In stress
situation we can loose our stereo perception.
Because of that and because the anaglyph has
colour limitations and we also need to wear special
glasses, the anaglyph method is not perfect for all
kind of images including viewing of some
cartographical elements. Maybe is this a reason that
99,99% of our daily visual presentations are still
tendered in two dimensions.
The anaglyph method is ideal for supplementing the
anaglyphs of aerial photographs and satellite images
with cartographical theme. Appropriate colour could
made extraordinary and attractive image acceptable
to its purpose.
Other techniques, which are as anaglyph on two-
dimensional base enable a spatial perception, are
unacceptable because of loosing intensity, colour,
resolution, or they are, for now, to expensive.
* In older literature gray anaglyph is mentioned as coloured or even colour anaglyph, because one stereo
pair is red and other cyan or green. In that case the colour anaglyph is called three-colour anaglyph.
References from Journals:
Bahr, A., 1993. Anaglyphen. 3D-Magazin, 4/93, pp. 30-32.
Brehmer, E., 1993. Anaglyphen - noch zeitgemäß? 3D-Magazin, 4/93, pp. 19-26.
Burkhardt, R., 1994. Bunte Anaglyphenfotos. 3D-Magazin, 2/94, pp. 25-30.
Finsterwalder, R., Kauper, R., 1996. Digitale Herstellung von Stereokarten - gezeigt am Beispiel der
topographischen Gletscherkarte "Nevado del Tolima 1:25000". Kartographische Nachrichten, 5/96, pp. 175-
References from Books:
Kraus, K., 1988. Fotogrametrija. Book 1. IRO Naucna knjiga, Beograd.
Robinson, A. H., Morrison, J. L., Muehrcke, P. C., Kimerling, A. J., Guptill, S. C., 1995. Elements of
Cartography. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
Valyus, N. A., 1966. Stereoskopy. The Focal Press, London.
Watkins, C., Marenka, S. R., 1994. Virtual Reality Excursions. AP Professional, Boston.
References from Other Literature:
Cucek, I., 1953. Fotogrametrija. Part 2: Stereoskopija in vrste fotogrametricnih posnetkov. Tehniska visoka
sola v Ljubljani, FGG, Ljubljana.
EPSON, 1994. The theory and practice of color. EPSON Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf.