Full text: The 3rd ISPRS Workshop on Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS & the 10th Annual Conference of CPGIS on Geoinformatics

ISPRS, Vol.34, Part 2W2, “Dynamic and Multi-Dimensional GIS”, Bangkok, May 23-25, 2001 
,/ls. Particularly, 
the pesticides 
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curacy of DEM 
gorithm to well 
> losses runoff 
¡IS and remote 
GIS and remote 
sensing integrated model with real 3-dimensons for 
showing the pesticides pollution distribution with 
relative multi-layers geographic information and 
providing dynamic decision support for the 
environmental quality managers. 
This paper has described the use of a set of DEM-based 
analysis method to compute hydrological parameters for the 
pesticides losses runoff model. Cell numbers, cell connectivities, 
flow direction, land and channel slopes, slope lengths, slope 
shapes, and upslope contributing areas, were carried out. 
Comparing with the conventional model, In which all terrain 
input data must be entered into the input file by hand, the 
advantage of integration with GIS techniques, here is the terrain 
analysis, are appeared obviously. 
For the project is just in operation now, the results showed in 
this paper are only a small portion of total anticipated output. 
However, through the comparison of results generated by the 
integration of GIS with the field measured slope and direction, 
there are only little disagreement. It is shown that it is feasible to 
use terrain analysis methods to restructure existing hydrologic 
and soil erosion models to improve their usefulness and 
potential accuracy in the pesticides losses simulation. Though 
the efficiency may be limited by the relative simplicity of the 
model algorithms and better account for the effects of flow 
convergence and divergence in natural landscapes. It makes 
the acquisition and input of the terrain-based parameters into 
runoff model to access a DEM databases. 
From the analyzing and proving of this study, we can draw an 
initial conclusion that the incorporation of GIS with the 
pesticides losses runoff model provides a powerful tool for 
pesticides load simulation and pollution control management 
Further studies are underway as part of this project to further 
explore some of issues presented, including investigations on 
the use of thematic information and DEMs derived from 
high-resolution IKONOS images for generating some of input 
parameters of the pesticides losses runoff model. 
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