isisted of
aber, and a
l darkened
inlet on the
nted facing
g a pair of
of 405nm,
t and were
the object,
the cotton,
ight source
id balanced
cheme of
CCD camera
of foreign
/ely visible
[most same
have. Then,
the visible
wever, the
ind 850nm
: for bristle
the foreign
:he others,
ious in the
plastic are
the image
i feature of
ie six types
of the two
lal contrast
image than
>t be easily
ble region,
ir detecting
i cotton.
(c) 850nm wavelength image (d) fused image of two wavelengths
Fig.3 comparison of images of different band: (a) visible region image, (b) 405nm wavelength image, (c) 850nm wavelength
image, (d) fused image of two wavelengths.
Thus, the combination of the 405nm and 850nm wavelengths
enabled the differentiation of foreign fibers from cotton. And
best visual contrast between foreign fibers and cotton was show
in the fused image of the two wavelengths, so the image fusion
method using multiwavelength imaging showed the best
potential of discriminating a wide range of foreign fibers from
For quantitatively evaluation the performance of image fusion
method, the average gray level difference between cotton and