Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
Digital analysis of stereo pairs for the detection 
of anomalous signatures in geothermal fields 
E.Zilioli, P.A.Brivio, M.A.Gomarasca & R.Tomasoni 
Istituto per la Geofisica della Litosfera, CNR, Milan, Italy 
ABSTRACT: A campaign of infrared aerial surveys for mapping heat flow anomalies was performed in the geother 
mal field of Travale (Italy). Direct methods of quantitative analysis of thermographies and deduction of seco 
ndary physical quantities were applied: three spots of possible geothermal interest have "been individuated. 
Further investigation was developed on the basis of spectral signature of vegetation; a third flight was ac 
complished in springtime to provide infrared false colour stereo-pairs at i/12,500 scale. Color transparencies 
have been scanned by a drum microdensitometer and a quantitative computation was carried out. The suspected 
areas so identified have been compared to other spots where ground and depth conditions are known. 
This paper deals with the remote sensing activity in 
the frame of the Energy Project sponsored by the Na 
tional Research Council of Italy. 
Previous work is here summarized: 
Data Acquisition. Campaigns included 2 thermal IR 
surveys by a dual-channel analogue scanner DS-1230 
realized at the steady-state conditions of the diu 
rnal thermal transitory, in wintertime. During the 
flight operations meteorological stations were arr 
anged for corrections and calibrations. A stereo IR 
False Colour coverage was acquainted on the same a- 
rea in springtime. 
Thermal Data Processing. The black-body referenced 
thermographies were digitized and a correlation be 
tween the calibration temperature levels and the Di 
gital Numbers (DN) was obtained (Bolzan et al. 1982). 
Table 1. Summary of spectral bands utilized . 
Wavelength ( ym) 
near IR 
near IR 
middle IR 
thermal IR 
By means of calibrated thermographies we obtained 3 
new derived quantities we called Function of Appare- 
nt Thermal Inertia (FATl), Entropy Variation (EV) 
and Sensitivity (s) respectively (Zilioli et al. 
1985). The common solutions of these equations indi 
viduated 3.spots on the ground of possible geother 
mal interest. 
Location of the suspected areas is shown within the 
frames outlined in fig. 1. According to the classi 
fication by Pavari (19^2), the study area is inclu 
ded in the phytoclimatic belt of Italy: Castanetum, 
Figure 1. Location of the study area. Frames and sub- 
frames are pointed out. 
subzone cold with Quereus spp deciduous woods and de 
fined by a hilly zone ranging between 300 and 800 me 
ter. Land use is about 75% forested and the remaining 
25$ pasture and sown, almost distributed on the right 
and on the left slope'Of the Saio creek basin, respec 

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