Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

have been interpreted as uniform, they actually pre 
sent different spectral reflectance and furthermore, 
band ratioing is able to distinguish them one from a- 
nother. Also, the location of the suspected areas is 
connected to the tectonic escarpment of the Travale 
graben where geothermal fluids actually can reach 
the sub-surface more easily than elsewhere. 
Digital analysis of stereo pairs has concentrated 
and supported the previous suspects onto the site of 
Poggio Mauriccia which is placed on the border of 
the new geothermal field. That confirms also the go 
odness of the results of the thermal investigation 
where the same area was strongly pointed out. 
However, the experience has shown that these sur 
veys still need to be checked in several other cases 
at different conditions; moreover, a noticeable kno 
wledge of the geo-environmental situation on the gr 
ound is still required as reference. 
Nevertheless, the next step of this research will 
be the achievement of shallow drillings for tempera 
ture measurements at Poggio Mauriccia. 
The authors would thank Mr A. Colli and Mr G. Boizan 
for their technical assistance in drawings and pro 
duction of outputs. 
Particular thanks also to Dr Baldi, Enel-Unità Na 
zionale Geotermica of Pisa for precious information 
on the Travale geothermal field. 
Batini, F., P. Castellucci & G. Neri 1985. The Tra- 
vale geothermal field. J.Geothermics. 14:623-636. 
Bolzan, G., P.A. Brivio & E. Zilioli 1982. The ther 
mal infrared prospecting in geothermal exploration. 
Proc. Int. Sym. ERIM, 2nd Th.Conf., Fort Worth, 1: 
Calore, C., R. Celati, P. Squarci & L. Taffi 1979. 
Studio termico dell'area di Travale. Proc. 1st 
Sym. S.P. Geotermia, Rome, 259“269. 
Pavari, A. 1942. Dispense di selvicoltura: classi 
ficazione fitoclimatica. Ed. Univ., Florence 
Zilioli, E., P.A. Brivio & R. Tomasoni 1985. The in 
frared aerial surveys for heat flow anomalies map 
ping in the geothermal fields. Proc. Int. Sym.ERIM, 
4th Th.Conf., San Francisco, 2:417-426. 

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