Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986
The delineation and classification of inland wetlands
utilizing fcir stereo imagery
Stephen A.Estrin
Mahopac, New York, USA
ABSTRACT: The fastest and one of the most accurate methods of classifying and delineating
inland wetlands and their adjacent upland is through the interpretation of medium-to-large-
scale (1:12,000 and larger) fcir stereo imagery. This is accomplished by manual photo inter
pretation of those readily recognizable properties of inland wetlands and uplands; vegetation
types, presence of standing water, soil water content and topography-elevation and slope. Ve
getation is one of the best indicators of water guantity, quality and permanence. Specific
ally, in wetlands, vegetation is one of the principal factors causing differences in spectral
reflectance; therefore, noticeable differences in vegetation, vis-a-vis their spectral ref
lectance, depicted on fcir imagery are directly related to the presence of water, both stand
ing and soil water content. Consequently, the delineation of the boundary between a wetland
and its adjacent uplands can clearly be ascertained based upon these differences in spectral
reflectance. Classification and delineation of the wetland-upland complex was found most ac
curately determined in the northeastern and central United States from spring fcir stereo im
agery flown at an altitude of 6,000 feet AMT (1:12,000). In comparison, the modern methods
of field ecology survey were found to be too time consuming, difficult and costly. In parti
cularly fragile ecosystems, comprehensive biological field studies tended to cause consider
able physical environmental damage, while the necessary ground truth program covering only a
small portion of the area had no adverse impact. Naturally, the subsequent imagery analysis
causes no adverse environmental impact.
Wetlands are an important element of the nat
ural environment and the increased public
concern with environmental issues has lead
to the enactment of federal, state and local
legislation protecting inland wetlands.
Due to the inadequacy and inaccuracies of
the majority of existing maps and wetland
inventories as well as their heterogenity,
areal extent, time and money constraints,
many governmental agencies at the federal
and state levels have utilized remote sens
ing as the primary method of delineating and
classifying wetlands. Remote sensing affords
both a practical and economic means for their
accurate delineation and classification. It
differs from conventional wetland data col
lection in that the recording methodology is
not in direct contact with the ground. It is
airborne. In the majority of instances, the
choice of a remote sensing technique is a
function of a series of interrelated fac
tors; size of the project area, accessibil
ity, time of year, cost, data to be obtain
ed, accuracy, and level of detail required.
In 1977, one of the most extensive studies
of inland wetlands was undertaken by Carter,
Garrett, Shima & Gannon of the U.S.G.S., The
Great Dismal Swamp located in Virginia and
North Carolina. These scientists/photogram-
metrists believed that the use of conven
tional wetland data collection methods would
be too expensive, time consuming, and too
difficult to interpret for such a large, di
verse and inaccessible area. They, there
fore, decided on the use of seasonal low-
and high-altitude color infrared photography
utilizing manual interpretation techniques.
The wetland maps were prepared at a scale
of 1:24,000.
These analysts found that imagery obtained
in the spring, during dormancy, allowed the
identification of wetland boundaries, areas
covered by water, the drainage pattern, the
location of coniferous vegetation and its
classification, and the classification of
the understory vegetation. Photographs ob
tained during the summer were used to clas
sify deciduous vegetation.
1.1 A real example - Longridge Corporate
Park, New York
In the case of the Longridge Corporate Park,
the determination of type of remote sensing
was never a factor because the site had been
disturbed to such an extent from October,
1982, that only a vague and inaccurate re
construction of previous conditions would be
possible. Therefore, historical remote sens
ing data, predating October, 1982, was the
only practical and accurate means available
for the delineation and classification of the
In March, 1973, and again in April, 1974,
Stephen A. Estrin, Inc., as part of its con
tract with the County of Putnam for the de
sign of a Comprehensive Land Development
Plan and Sewer Study for the Town of South
east, had its Division of Photogrammetry
contract with Grumman Ecosystems for an aer
ial photomapping mission, to its specifica
tions, which produced stereo color carto
graphic mapping photography and false color
infrared imagery at the scales of 1"=2000'
and 1"=1000'.
It is the April 20, 1974 fcir, 1"-1000',
imagery that forms the basis of the delin
eation and classification of the Longridge
Corporate Park Wetland. The interpretation
of this imagery was by manual means utiliz
ing imagery interpretation and transfer e-
quipment, ground truth and a wetland image
analysis key developed by Stephen A. Estrin,
Inc. in 1972, updated in 1976. In addition,