assessing the information provided by the remotely on the Western highway, Belize.
sensed imagery. SCHROEDER, M. 1985 Flight performance of the Spacelab
Metric Camera experiment. D.F.V.L.R., Wessling.
WALKER, S.H. 1972. Records of river stage, discharge
4. CONCLUSIONS and water quality for the Belize and Sibun rivers
1968-71. Overseas Development Administration, Land
The conclusions reached in this paper are made by Resources Division miscellaneous report 126.
comparing the information afforded by each source of
data and identifying the results they give. This
of hyd
section is necessarily divided into two parts, so as
to deal with each part of the floodplain separately.
4.1. The upper floodplain
W. Murra)
Ontario Hyi
The ground survey discusses flooding in this area only
briefly but its main conclusion is that the lowering
of flood peaks between Big Falls Ranch and Davis Bank
gauging stations is due to the attenuation of the
peak by the river channel and invokes previous work
that states "..no overflow channels are visible from
aerial photographs." (Walker 1972). LANDSAT imagery
shows this not to be true. At least 5 locations of
overspill are evident and can be seen on map figure I.
Using the same calculation methods as the report
(Fiddes 1977), the contribution of the local catchment
studies to
northern On
broad level
can account for only 26% of the visible flooded area
- an expansion of more than 88 square kilometres over
normal conditions.
The LANDSAT scene not only provides this information
but also displays the distribution of floodwaters so
that areas most affected and the source of the flood
may be seen. With the aid of basic spot height data
the imagery provides estimates of the flood volume
of the 1979 flood that are very similar to those
obtained from studies of the flood hydrographs of the
period, as well as indicating the probable maximum
level to which the flood rose. Metric Camera imagery
of this area is not available for comparison.
4.2. The lower floodplain
Qualitative flood assessments in this area are not
possible. The LANDSAT scene provides sufficient detail
in agreement with the ground survey to show that flood
water is present, moving from the Belize river. The
broad front of this floodwater suggests that the vol
ume is greater than the report states. The scene also
supports the report's finding that the concentration
of the flooding is centered around the lagoon area
and in addition it identifies the channel routes that
the flood takes. It confirms that the rest of the
highway will remain relatively unaffected.
Similar agreements with Metric Camera imagery can
also be seen by comparisons with figure 5» The subtle
features of high and low ground can be seen to be the
same as identified by the ground survey in figure 6,
despite their differences of elevation - only two
to three metres, the landform causing the bifurcation
of floodwaters being approximately square km.
It is evident that with multitemporal imagery and
more sources of supplimentary data remotely sensed
information can provide detailed insights to flood
processes and provide estimates of flood volumes.
This imagery gives its best results when used with
other sources of information but where necessary it
may be used by itself to. provide unique insights into
flood processes.
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1.1 Study A:
DOWMAN, I. 1985. Report on the Metric Camera workshop
II-IJ February 1985. Symposium paper.
FIDDES, D. 1977• U.K. Transport and Road Research
Laboratory. Supplimentary report 259> paper 5«
FLOOD STUDIES REPORT, 1972, U.K. Institute of Hydrol
ogy, H.M.S.O.
The LJR bas:
Ontario (Cai