Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986
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Analysis of Landsat multispectral-multitemporal images
for geologic-lithologic map of the Bangladesh Delta
Geological Survey of the Netherlands (RGD), International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences (ITC),
Enschede, Netherlands
ABSTRACT: Geological interpretation of Landsat images of delta areas is very difficult since the delta depo
sits are lithologically very similar, they do not produce identifiable morphologic features, and they are not
even well exposed because of dense vegetation cover during most of the year. Nevertheless, it is demonstrated
in this paper that lithologic-geologic interpretation of Landsat images of delta areas is possible by a
proper planning of the interpretation.
The Bangladesh Delta (fig. 1) has been studied in
order to verify whether a detailed geologic-litholo
gic map of a delta can be obtainted from Landsat
multispectral-multitemporal images by a specially
planned interpretation based on a step by step sepa
ration of the units present in the delta.
A hierarchical classification of the delta areas is
applied based on genetic classes, geomorphological
units, and on spectral, spatial and temporal charac
teristics of materials. A good background knowledge
of the development mechanisms of deltas is required.
This classification allows the distinction and map
ping of lithologically similar but genetically dif
ferent deposits, and provides detailed information
about sedimentation processes and deposits (fig.
1) .
1.1 Subdivision of the delta area into genetic clas
On the multispectral-multitemporal Landsat images of
the Bangladesh Delta different drainage and land
scape patterns can be recognized (fig. 2) . They
result from processes related to different flow
regimes. Each type of flooding (e.g. river flooding,
tidal flooding, rainwater flooding) can transport
and accumulate other types of sediments, building up
floodplains distinguished by their specific drainage
and landscape patterns. By subdividing the delta
into different types of floodplains, deposits that
were developed under distinct conditions will also
be separated, and genetic classes of sediments are
obtained. Although a landscape pattern can not al
ways be detected from Landsat images because of its
small size or because it is masked by dense vegeta
tion, however, a drainage pattern of delta areas -
even through a dense vegetation - is always detect
able on band-7 (near-infrared) images and therefore
can be effectively used for the sub-division of
deltas into floodplains areas.
By a combined analysis of the near-infrared images
of three years (fig. 2) , the drainage map of the
Bangladesh Delta has been prepared (fig. 3).
On this map, area (A) it is identified as "tidal
floodplain", as it is crossed by a close network of
innumerable rivers and creeks, typically making
"zigzag" band and interconnected with each other as
well with the main rivers. Obviously, tides may
advance far inland in dry seasons when the water
level of main rivers is at a minimum, and retreat
in wet seasons when main rivers are in flood.
Area (B), constituting a large belt parallel to
the Ganges River and crossed by the Arialkhan and
tributary rivers, is designated as "river flood-
plain" . Typical features are a density of drainage
lower then that of area (A), and "curved bends and
meanders" of the rivers which are connected with
the main rivers. Locally, abandoned channels and
lops of cut meanders can be recognized.
Area (C) looks different from the areas (A) and
(B) due to the absence of active important creeks.
The drainage pattern, which is hardly visible, is
produced by straight and geometrical shapes of man
made channels. Only one small river crosses the
area in between its narrow floodplain. The area is
located far from the main rivers and ative chan
nels, because of its perennially wet nature and the
occurrence of large peat areas, rainwater flooding
is likely to be the dominant factor. Nevertheless,
the development of area (C) may have undergone some
influence by tidal flooding entering the area in
dry seasons from one side, and by flooding of the
main rivers in wet seasons from the other side.
Therefore area (C) has been defined as a "composite
1.2 Subdivision of river floodplain into géomor
phologie classes
A major river in flood normally deposits different
amount and types of sediments in different parts of
its floodplain, in a well-known sequence ranging
from sandy to silty to loam and clay, depending
mainly on topography and velocity of flow.
Changes in landscape patterns and differences in
spectral signatures allow a subdivision of the
river floodplain into geomorphological sub-classes.
An "upper river floodplain" or "meander floodplain"
occurs along the Ganges River bank, where large
meanders, lops of cut menaders, long and curved
ridges and abandoned channels have produced a kind
of meander landscape pattern (fig. 4a) . Further
downstream curved ridges and wide basins come
closer together and smaller, abandoned channels,
large meanders disappear, and the whole pattern
looks like an "embroidery on canvas" (fig. 4b),
hence this part of the floodplain is designated as
"lower river floodplain" or "embroidery flood-
plain". Of course, the latter term is not an offi
cial morphological term, but it is. used here be
cause it very clearly describes the landscape pat
tern as seen on satellite images.
Some areas, which do not show either a meander or
an "embroidery" pattern, are separated from the
upper and lower floodplain areas and are interpret-