Step 7 transfer to GIS system
Results are read back from the AED into an output
file with fiducial marks, codefilled polygons and
boundary lines that can now be transferred to an
appropriate pixel input programme of the selected
GIS system.
At ITC, the first use of ADIOS will be to input data
in the raster oriented,ITC developed, USEMAP
geoinformation system.
In that case USEMAP software will
a) apply a geocorrection
b) eliminate boundary line codes by attributing
line gridcells to the appropriate landuse
c) resample to the regular gridcell size for the
project area.
5.4 Geocorrection
In flat areas geocorrection will be based on digital
rectification, defined by matching tiepoints on the
photo with points on a map or from a list with known
coordinates. Such data will be stored in a photo
index file and after linking this file with the
observed fiducial marks in the scanfile the
geocorrection can be applied as part of the
resampling procedure. If various overlays of the
same photo have to be entered the same photoindex
file can be used.
In gently rolling hilly areas digital facet plotting
can be used in a similar way to digital
rectification. In mountaineous areas also correction
based on digital monoplotting can be used, provided
that a digital elevation model can be made
It is also possible to vectorize the data first and
then to apply the geocorrection on the vectorized
data as has been done by LEBERL and CHRISMAN.
5.5 Improvements and extensions of the current pilot
To enhance the quality of the "row" scanned data it
is planned to improve the lighting system.
Automatic gap-closure is currently under study and
some form of vectorizing will be implemented soon.
Possible approaches in this field have been
described by PEUQUET (1981) and HARRIS et al.
(1982). It is expected that in the near future
topologically encoded vector data will be derived
from the scanfile after processing in the
rasterdomain only.
Several USEMAP programmes have been designed to
digitize during the actual interpretation (DE
BRUIJN, 1983).
Experience so far has shown that it is a good and
efficient method for
a) "point" data e.g. houses
b) selective landuse data
For complex landuse interpretations that cover a
full photograph there is a preference to interpret
first on an overlay and then to digitize that
overlay in a separate step.
One of the theoretical advantages of interactive
digitizing during interpretation is that it should
be possible to query the database e.g. to ask for a
previous interpretation to assist in change
detection. Due to lack of software development
capacity this possibility has not been implemented
so far at ITC.
When ADIOS becomes available it may be assumed that
most general landuse type digitizing will be carried
out automatically.
Apart from saving time and avoiding errors it has
the big advantage that it does not interfere with
traditional photointerpretation methods (the
production of an interpretation overlay) and does
not require digitizing training or the use of
digitizer operators.
For certain corrections or certain types of change
detection interactive digitizing will remain a
valuable technique, but clearly complementary to
automatic digitizing.
However, for "point" type date the production of a
readable and reliable overlay is not without
problems and there interactive digitizing seems for
the time being the most efficient solution.
The high number of greylevels that can be scanned
with the Eikonix makes it possible to scan airphot.os
with a fairly good image quality. A typical 55 x 55
mm SFAP negative can be scanned with 37 lines/mm
resolution, a 9 inch photo with 9 lines/mm.
This creates several new possibilities:
The photo can be scanned and then displayed (if
necessary after geocorrection) as a background to
the landuse data on an interactive workstation. This
might be a good method for updating such data or for
detection of errors.
Displaying a scanned photo on a screen enables also
interactive interpretation where interpretation
results can be displayed immediately. This can be
useful in situations where airphotos are used to
count items, like in housing studies and recreation
surveys. The marks on the screen avoid double
counting and allow an easy check on forgotten cases.
A step further is the production of digital
rectifications or digital orthophotos. Using the
geocorrection methods described earlier this is
clearly feasible as has been demonstrated already by
KONECNY in 1979, who used a photo scanner with a 0.1
mm pixel size. Low cost, medium resolution output,
acceptable for a number of applications can be
generated by the new generation of laser printers
with 300 dpi resolution enabling 15-20 points/cm
printrasters to render appr. 20 greylevels. An
output quality that is better than that of the
photocopies that are now increasingly used as field
material and for provisional basemaps.
Although the results of the pilot system are still
limited at the moment this publication had to be
finalized, they show clearly that the approach is
successful and that an operational system can be
developed in a rather short time, using the
available experience with USEMAP geodata processing,
image processing and photogrammetry in ITC.
Developments in the computer industry where low-cost
resolution graphic input and output devices are
rapidly becoming available make it probable that
such developments will have a considerable impact on
the application of photo interpretation and its
integration in modern geodata environments.