Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986
Evaluation of combined multiple incident angle SIR-B digital data
and Landsat MSS data over an urban complex
Centre for Remote Sensing, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
ABSTRACT: As part of the NASA sponsored SIR-B experiment, digital data with incident angles of 17°, 36° and
43° were recorded over Sydney, Australia, and havebeen used in a study of radar imagery for urban purposes.
The effect on radar backscatter of the multifaceted and oriented features found in urban regions has been
examined as a means for improving urban discrimination when combined with Landsat multispectral data. Imagery
at different incidence angles were registered to each other and to Landsat data and analysed using an image
analysis computer system. While systematic interpretation of the radar imagery is complicated by the high
response from urban features aligned at right angles to the incident radiation, the combined radar and Land
sat images are shown to give good discrimination between sites cleared for development and those heavily
urbanised. These areas show a similar Landsat response but are markedly different in radar. Moreover in older
residential areas, with significant tree cover, the Landsat response is dominated by the vegetation signature,
while radar is shown to provide an increased response from the underlying buildings.
A number of previous studies have examined urban
areas using radar imagery, these include Bryan (1979)
and, Hardaway and Gustafson (1982). In general these
studies have concentrated on the so called 'cardinal
effect'. Here the intersection of roads and build
ings tend to act as corner reflectors when they are
aligned at right angles to the incident radiation.
They showed that backscatter was very sensitive to
street alignment, and reduced from a maximum to a
constant value as the street orientation approached
a threshold value of 20° to 25° away from the right
angle relationship. Both these studies used single
incident angle synthetic aperture radar data from
earlier NASA missions, Seasat and SIR-A (Shuttle
Imaging Radar-A), while the present study had the
advantage of multiple incident angle data in a digi
tal form compatible with digital Landsat MSS data.
Data over Sydney was acquired as part of the NASA
SIR-B (Shuttle Imaging Radar-B) experiment launched
on the 17th flight of space shuttle in October of
1984. This 8-day mission collected microwave data of
many parts of the Earth's surface. Table 1 compares
the characteristics of Seasat, SIR-A and SIR-B.
Table 1. Characteristics of NASA Spaceborne Synthetic
Aperture Radars.
800 km
260 km
225 km
23.5 cm
23.5 cm
23.5 cm
Look Angle
Swath Width
100 km
50 km
14-44 km
25 m
40 m
25 m
Range Resolution
25 m
40 m
58-17 m
Data at three incident angles were acquired over
the Sydney region (43°, 36° and 17°), as shown in
figure 1, imaged from a path to the northeast of the
city. Part of the swath of the 36° data take is shown
in imaee form in figure 2.
The SIR-B data was available in a digital form at
12.5 m pixel centres. Because this was substantially
less than the inherent resolution of the data, and
to reduce speckle effects, the data was resampled to
a pixel size of 25 m using a cubic convolution re
sampling procedure. Following this a total of 50
control points were selected in an overlapping area
of the 43 and 36° incident angle images (with over
lap dimensions of approximately 10 by 40 km). These
were naturally occurring points (road and stream
intersections, centres of small parks, water/land
features, etc) arrayed in banks of five across
track. Their location and number were designed to
give maximum registration accuracy, particularly
across track where the maximum errors due to geo
metry would occur. Using a 2nd order polynomial
transformation and holding the 36° data fixed, re
gistration errors of 2.2 pixels across track and
0.9 pixels along track (standard error of the esti
mate) were determined. A nearest neighbourhood re
sampling procedure was used to register the 43° inci
dent angle data to the 36° data.
Data from Landsat bands 7 (near infrared) and 5
(visible red) were viewed simultaneously with the
radar data and a total of 12 common points were
determined. Selection of common points was difficult
Figure. 1. Coverage of SIR-B radar swaths at
17°, 36° and 43° incident angles.