Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

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38 Dikitirio (Konàki), 39 "St. Demetrius" 
Hospital (Dimotiko), 40 Central (Kentriko) 
Hospital, 41 Frankish church, 42 Bezesteni, 
43 Sydrivani. 
The first stage of the study presented in 
paper was done based on airphotographs and 
orthophotographs of relatively small scale. 
In this way aspects of more general super 
vision of monuments in their wide urban area 
are served, significant for general urban 
considerations. The acquisition of more 
detailed information about the partly ele 
ments of the monuments is not of course an 
ticipated and pursued at this stage. Besi 
des for this reason we did not attempt any 
drawing but simple location was enough. 
The stereoscopic recognition of monuments, 
as it is possible from the scale of airpho 
tographs, was satisfactory while their ap 
pearance at orthophotograph in some cases 
includes obscurities because of the limita 
tions of the scale, of tonal alternations 
The city of Thessaloniki includes a great 
amount of most remarkable monuments of dif 
ferent times, different form, size, grade 
of ruinning. The presentation of all was 
studied by stereoscope and for a great num 
ber of them the location is being done at 
the orthophotograph. The general study and 
the preservation of monuments of Thessaloni 
ki are faced with great interest, especial 
ly after the earthquake in 1978. In this di 
rection we make our effort which is conti 
nued with directions of more detailed stu 
dy based on the exploitation of photogra 
phic material with possibilities of greater 
detail and on other photogrammetric methods. 
1 Patmios E., Preparation of a space use map 
with orthophoto. Photointerpretation and 
field check. Aus Iena Review 1980. 
2 Patmios E., Sur la preparation d'un plan 
à buts multiples. International Society 
of Photogrammetry Commission IV Vol. XXII- 
4, pp 586-593, International Symposium 
New Technology for mapping, 2-6 October 
1978, Ottawa-Canada. 
3 Patmios E. Examples sur la contribution 
des méthodes Photogrammétriques et photo 
interprétatives à 1 'étude des châteaux 
et Forteresses. Congrès International de 
l'I.B.I. (Internationale Burgen Institut), 
10-14 Mai 1978, Ouranoupolis-Mont Athos. 
4 Patmios E. Quelques aspects pour une étu 
de en global de 1'Asclepeion sur 1'île Cos. 
V International Symposium for photogram 
metry in Architecture and conservation of 
monuments, 9-12 October 1978, Sibenik - 
5 Patmios E. Les photos aériennes dans l'é 
tude des sites Archéologiques, contenant 
de Basiliques. Xe Congrès International 
d'Archéologie Chrétienne, Thessaloniki, 
28 Septembre - 4 Octobre 1980. 
6 Patmios E., Tsakiri-Strati M. Photogram 
metric methods on environmental studies. 
Basic photogrammetric elements and Photo- 
interpretation. International Geographical 
Union. Brazil National Commission. Rio- 
Janeiro 9-21/8/1982. 
7 Patmios E., Tsakiri-Strati M., GeorgoulaO., 
Lasaridou M. Photogrammetric Methodolody 
to littoral studies. Photointerpretation 
in Athos Péninsule, Greece. Fifth Inter 
national SymDOsium on Computer - Assisted 
Cartography and International Society for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Commis 
sion IV. Virginia, 22-28/8/82. 
8 Patmios E. Small scale air photographs in 
researching monuments and historic centers. 
(Mystras, Peloponnese, Greece and Palace 
of Faistos, Crete, Greece). Symposium and 
Exhibition: Photogrammetry applied in ar 
chitecture, monument Preservation, archae 
ology, science of arts, Wien 16 to 18 Sep 
tember 1981. 
9 Patmios E., Tsakiri-Strati M., Chalkias 
Th. Methodology of Terrestrial Photogram 
metric takings on churches faces and parts 
of fortress at historical centre Mystras 
(Greece). XVI International Byzantine con 
gress. Vienna 4-10 October 1981, Austria. 
10 Patmios E. Terrestrial photogrammetric ta 
kings and rectification in researching 
Neoclassical monuments (Villa Alatini,Thes 
saloniki, Greece). Symposium and Exhibi 
tion: Photogrammetry applied in architec 
ture, monument preservation, archaeology, 
science of arts, Wien 16 to 18 September 
1981 . 
11 Patmios E., Tsakiri-Strati M., Georgoula 
0. Etude Photogrammétrique sur les centres 
historiques de Dylos et de Mystras (Gree 
ce) . International Symposium on Photogram 
metric contribution to the documentation 
of historical centres and monuments. Sie 
na, 18-20 October 1982, Italy. 
12 Patmios E. Methodology of taking multiple 
data for monuments. Photogrammetric Socie 
ty of Greece. Athens, 3 June 1981. 
13 Patmios E., Tsakiri-Strati M., Chalkias 
Th., Georgoula 0. Photogrammetric studies 
on islands of Aegean Sea, Thira-Mikonos. 
VII International Symposium of Aegean, 
Kos 27-31/8/1981. 
14 Patmios E. Photogrammetric study of sta 
tues. XVth Congress of International So 
ciety for Photogrammetry and Remote Sen 
sing, Vol. XXV, tome AS, pp 605-611, Rio 
de Janeiro, 1984. 
15 Patmios E. Photogrammetric study of cur 
ved surfaces of monuments. Examples of 
the historical center of Mystras, 1985. 
16 Patmios E., DTM on drainage studies, 1985. 
17 Patmios E., Tsakiri-Strati M. Photointer 
pretation on the study of historic centers. 
Photogrammetric Society of Greece. Athens 
3 June, 1981. 
18 Patmios E., Halkias Th., Lasaridou M. Pho 
togrammetry and photointerpretation on the 
study and preservation of the cultural In 
heritance . 
19 Papagianonoulos A. Monuments of Thessalo 
niki. 1 983.

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