Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Development and Environmental Management / Enschede / August 1986 
Land resource use monitoring in Romania, using aerial and space 
Institute of Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Cartography and Land Management, Bucharest, Romania 
ABSTRACT; Tendencies in land uses, main causes of land retirement and measures provided for 
their protection are presented. Considering existing land cadastre based on photDgramme- 
trio maps, achievements in automatic cadastral mapping using analitical photogrammetrie me 
thods and data storage in a data base are discussed. The importance of these photogramme- 
tric cadastral bases as a support of the land information systems, the only ones able to 
supply update, accurate and complete data in due time regarding land resource situation is 
emphasized. Multispectral aerial and space recordings, blsides aerial photography, are used 
to complete data on land resources. Talcing into account the present-day situation of the 
land information systems and the existing possibilities in this field of aotivlty, expecta 
tions related to land resource monitoring and land efficient use in Romania are also given. 
RESUME: On présente les tendences de l'utilisation des terrains, les causes principales de 
leur dégradation et les mesures prises pour leur protection. Dans les conditions de l'exis- 
tanoes du cadastre foncier avec base topographique on présente les réalisations concernant 
l'établissement automatique, par méthodes photogrammétriaues numériques, des plans cadas 
traux et le stockage des données dans des bases des données. On met en évidence la signifi 
cation de ces bases des données cadastrales comme support des systèmes informationnels du 
territoire, seuls en mesure de fournir, en temps utile,des données et des informations ac 
tuelles exactes et complètes concernant la situation du fonds foncier. Pour compléter les 
données sur le fonds foncier on utilise non seulement des photographies aériennes mais 
aussi des enregistrements aérospatiaux multlspectraux. On présente, tenant compte de la si 
tuation actuelle et des possibilités existantes, les perspectives dans le domaine de la 
surveillance et de l'utilisation efficiente du fonds foncier en Roumanie. 
Considering the land use dynamics, some per 
manent changes resulting from the built-in 
area extension and land retirement, concur 
rently with population and its requirement 
increases have taken place. To answer such 
important matters, it is quite a complex 
problem; on the one hand, an agricultural 
and forest land protection and extension le 
gislation and, on the other hand,a modern 
and intensive management should be taken in 
to account. When land-use is a hazard acti 
vity, in the course of time, the result is 
a real calamity, especially considering the 
future generations. As it is already well- 
known, some large areas have become waste, 
desolate regions, in other words, desertifi 
cation, pollution entailing soil degradation 
or deforestation, have appeared, which bring 
about negative consequences related to the 
land and surrounding microclimate of the 
respective zone. Irrigated and drainage 
lands and those situated near non-arranged 
river banks have also endured a lot of con 
sequences; salinity, swamp formation, floods, 
etc. could appear. 
As regards the national land resources, 
every country has its own policy on the ra 
tional use of this invaluable national good, 
based on a proper legislation. Romanian le 
gislation makes provisions for an ensemble 
of measures on the national land resource 
use and protection, and they are a permanent 
concern of some governmental organizations. 
Data and information collection on the 
present-day land situation is a prerequisite 
in order to accomplish objectives provided 
by our legislation and other governmental 
documents. As a consequence, land cadastre 
containing an ensemble of technical, econo 
mic and legal operations to systematically 
and permanently inventory land resources, to 
establish surface size, land-use category 
and landownership of each parcel is obvi 
ously engaged. Land cadastre envisages the 
country land as a whole devided into terri 
torial-administrative units based on the 
land parcel showing shape, size, area, land- 
use, ownership or tenant, land quality, and 
other elements. 
The following technical, economic, and le 
gal activities can be accomplished, using 
land cadastre: cadastral surveyings on par 
cels, mapping, surface calculations, and ca 
dastral register establishment; qualitative 
classification of soils; identification and 
registration of all land owners based on le 
gal documents, regarding their rights on 
lands and constructions. 
Activity sectors holding large surfaces or 
constructions are establishing specialized 
cadastre giving all necessary thematic data, 
based on land cadastre. 
Connections among various land cadastre 
divisions, as well as, its connections with 
the main specialized cadastres are shown in 
Figure 1. 
1:5,000 scale maps for zones with few to 
pographic details and large size plots, lo 
cated in plain and mountain regions, 1:2,000 
scale maps for zones with many topographic 
details located in hilly regions and for all 
villages, and 1:1,000 scale maps for all 
towns are used in cadastral works. Some 
other cadastral maps at 1:10,000, 1:25,000, 
1:50,000, 1:100,000 scales are also used. 
The activity within the national land re-

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