- Spring mound
.tellite imagery
.y be identified
d lineaments
o SE-NW,
ilting parallel
adj anticline,
dentified which
erpendicular to
the Djebel
his faulting
Chott el
ection and
p of aquifers
nose of the
t as a NERC
e authors,
hank Geoff
nd to
Meller for the
Local formations
Recent deposits
Zarzis Formation
Pontien ?
Habra Formation (Paleocene)
Main lithological units found in the Netazoua
Clays and sands
Aboid Formation
Aleg Formation
U. LpLi Upper Zebbag Formation
r i, “i. k n (Lower Senonien)
S upper Zebbag Formation
(Lower Senonien)
Upper Zebbag Formation
I i i i j Lower and Middle Zebbag
III! Formation (Cenomanien)
Gafsa Formation (Albo-Aptien)
Gypsiferous marls
Gypsiferous marls and limestones
Gypsiferous marls
Massive dolomitic limestone
I Dolomitic limestones
Gypsiferous marls
Dolomitic limestones
Dolomitic limestone, limestone,
clays and marls
Figure 7. Cross sections of the Chott el Fedjadj anticline (a) before and (b) after breaching (after Mamou,
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