Full text: Remote sensing for resources development and environmental management (Volume 2)

3 cmi 4 i I s 
Figure 9.-The pattern of radar lineaments density 
/in km/km /: i ->2,0j 2 - 2,0rl,5j 3 - 1,5*1,0; 
4 - 1,0*0,5; 5 -<0,5. 
The satellite lineaments are the continuous lines 
which extend 8km in average /maximum i6km/ and looal- 
ly fora the longer trends /up to 50km/. The lineaments 
of NW-SE /130-150°/ directions, as well as those of 
ENE-WSW /70°-80°/ and submeridional /300-10°/ pre 
The first group of lineaments mentioned above 
/Nïï-SE orientation/ corresponds to the main structu 
ral direction delimited by the edge of the platform 
i.e. in this area - by Kock horst anticline and 2y- 
rzyn-Abraradw-^widnik horst separated by Stoozek-Doro- 
huoza depression /Pig.7,2B/. The seoond group corre 
sponds to the directions of the faults /oblique and/or 
perpendioular to the Kock horst anticline/, especially 
well developed in the platform area adjacent from NE 
to this horst. 
Basing on the comparison of the remote sensing in 
terpretation with two stages of sucoesive geologioal 
recognition /Fig.6,7/ it might be stated that the more 
Figure 11. Statistical diagrams showing: a -faults in 
Meso-Cainozoic sediments, b -faults in Palaeozolo se 
diments /state from 1972/, o -faults in Palaeozolo 
sediments /state from 1983/, d —Landsat lineaments. 
Figure 12. Landsat lineament pattern:! -best visible, 
2 -less visible, 3 -weakly visible, 4 -main settle 
ments /for comparison only/. 
Figure 10. Statistical diagrams of radar lineaments: 
a -for the whole area, b -for morainio plateaux, o - 
for the area covered with loess, d -for depression 
with lake sediments. 
oomplete geologioal data - the better ooinoldenoe of 
Landsat lineaments and geologioal linear elements 
/faults/. It means, therefore, that landsat lineaments 
display weak similarity against the earliest fault 
pattern interpretation /in the Palaeozolo level/ re 
maining however, in a distinot ooinoldenoe with the 
further one based on the more detailed geologioal re 
cognition of the area. Landsat lineament pattern seems 
also to give more information, as it oonoems the di 
rection of the faults oblique and perpendicular to the 
Kook horst antioline in the area extended towards 
It is evident that Landsat lineaments display azi 
muthal relationship with the faults in Palaeozolo top 
/compare also with the statistical diagrams - Fig.lib, 
11c and lid/ and might represent their surface pro 
Still comparing remote sensing elements with the

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