doubts about the viability of photogrammetry from
space and particularly about non-photographic sys
tems. Undeniably there are still many problems in
the detection and mapping of important topographic
features such as settlements and roads. Corrections
for Earth curvature, although feasible in analytic
al and digital restitution, are an additional com
plication for classical analogue restitution. It is
interesting to note that aerial photography has
responded to the satellite challenge. New develop
ments in survey photography have strenghtened the
capabilities of optical systems. They include:
Films: the high-resolution, grainless (but slow)
Eastman Kodak 3412/2412 pana-tomic X Aerographic II
Lenses: the Wild superaviagon 8.84 super wide
angle lens and the Wild universal aviagon 15/4A and
wide angle lens.
Cameras: the Zeiss-Jena (Jenoptik) MKF-6 camera
(1976) and the LMK camera of the same factory.
The ITEK Metritek 21 camera is based on the LFC and
meant for high altitude photography, giving 50 cm
resolution at 12 km altitude! The Zeiss Oberkochen
manufactures the IMC.
Aircraft: stratospheric aircraft (Learjet, etc. )
offer new scope for high altitude photography. In
addition, electro-optical systems have been devel
oped such as used in the MBB MOMS (FRG) satellite
and planned for the stereoscopic MEOSS (FRG) satel
lite system and for the Mapsat satellite developed
jointly by the U.S. Geological Survey and ITEK.
Whether satellites or stratospheric aircraft
should be preferred for purposes of photogrammetric
mapping in scales of 1:50,000 to 1:100,000 is at
the moment topic of hot discussion among the
specialists. It is obvious that if or —rather
should I say— as long as stratospheric aircraft
perform better, they will get the market. However,
the image data acquisition for them is more expens
ive per km 2 and legal restrictions present taking
images for several countries simultaneously. Further
the great number of high altitude aircraft required
to take imagery over large areas is unlikely to be
available. It is also obvious that with improving
photogrammetric performance of satellite systems
these will in the future gradually gain importance.
The space industry will, of course, stimulate this
development by introducing optimal space platforms
and increasingly sophisticated imaging hardware.
The spectral recording systems in the visible and
near-infrared spectrum at present include:
Multispectral sensing (MSS); probably the most
widely used system when satellites are concerned:
Landsat MSS and SPOT-3 band scanner.
Multispectral photography (MSP) with multi-lens
cameras or multispectral imaging with TV cameras;
known from aerial survey and satellites such as
Soyuz (MKF-6) and Landsat 1 and 2 (RBV-3).
Panchromatic black and white imaging. Under this
category come the RBV of Landsat 3, the linear ar
ray, "pushbroom" SPOT configuration, and the long
focal length photography of manned spacecraft,
Stereosat and Mapsat. Air photography (panchro
matic/colour) also comes under this heading.
Multispectral sensing from satellites has a great
promise for the future in studies of the Earth's
cover. Panchromatic imaging from aircraft, orbiters
and satellites will be the main field of interest of
photogrammetrists. Earth scientists share with the
latter the need for stexeoscopy, but their metrical
requirements are of a lower level.
In the microwave zont, the recording systems com
prise side-looking aiiuorne radar (SLAR) and synthe
tic aperture radar (SAR) systems used in orbiters.
Because of the need for all-weather capacity, es
pecially for purposes of monitoring and time-criti
cal data-gathering, e.g., in the context of flood
disasters, microwave recording will become increas
ingly important. Once the technical problems have
been solved, a great future exists for satellite-
borne microwave observation. After the Seasat
(1978) and the space-shuttle SIR-A and B (1981 and
1984) new developments are eagerly expected, such
as the ERS 2 satellite of ESA (1989), the Japanese
MOS 1-3 satellites (19..) and the Canadian Radarsat
(1992). Whether the —at present rather erratic—
airborne microwave (SLAR) recording can compete
with such operational satellite microwave systems
is doubtful.
Thermographic recording in the middle and far
infrared, using aircraft as a platform, though very
useful for specific purposes, has always been a
rather rare bird in remote sensing. From satellites
to the contrary, it has found wide applications in
Landsat 3, the short-lived Seasat and particularly
in the NOAA satellites (heat capacity mapping mis
sion - HCMM).
Since the technology for recording all usable
parts of the electro-magnetic spectrum has already
been developed, further perfections rather than
spectacular new breakthroughs can be expected for
the future, although, of course, the satellite sys
tems will further evolve.
The relief recording methods range from the con
ventional but very important stereoscopic imagery
radar altimetry and scatterometry and laser-altime
try. The precision of the latter is such that defor
mations of the sea surface caused by gravitational
anomalies can be recorded and information about the
submarine relief consequently can be obtained. The
methods have been developed, but since this is a
fairly recent occurrence further developments are
likely. Stereoscopic imagery from space is in its
infancy and will soon be widely applied, particular
ly for purposes of earth sciences and photogram
metry. Methodological developments in inter
pretation, however, will be minor.
The diverse requirements of the various users of
satellite imagery make it likely that several types
of sensors will be installed in future spacecraft
in addition to dedicated satellites launched for
specific purposes. These developments are, in fact,
already underway and are rooted in the emphasis put
Spectral characteristrics - for the study of
vegetation, sea and ice.
Relief characteristics - for earth science ap
Relief and high metric qualities - for photogram
metric purposes.
Temporal resolution - for monitoring.
All-weather capability - for monitoring, disaster
surveying, etc.
Beyond doubt, a wide array of satellites having
different configurations will be launched in the
years to come!
The cost involved in implementing satellite techno
logy in the next few decades will be very high. In
a recent report of the U.S. Commission or Space,
entitled "Pioneering the Space Frontier", an annual
U.S. expenditure of U.S.$ 20 billion is expected a-
round the year 2000. The annual expenditure by the
FRG is estimated at DM 1.6 billion, DM (approxima
tely US.$ 0.75 billion. Adding to this the con
siderable space efforts of the ESA and of countries
like France, Japan, Canada, Brazil, etc., astro
nomical figures are reached!. These figures assume
continuous economic growth in the coming decades.
Since this is quite uncertain, possibly less funds
will in fact become available.
Various countries would like to take the lead in
space research
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