Figure 6. Optical layout of the Airborne Imaging
Spectrometer (Goetz et al 1985).
dedicated column of spectral detector elements for
each crosstrack pixel in the scene.
A sensor called the Airborne Imaging Spectrometer
(AIS) has been built to test the imaging spectrometer
concept with infrared area arrays (Figure 6).
This instrument operates in the mode shown in Figure
5d. The spectral coverage of the instrument is
1.2-2.4 |lm in contiguous bands that are 9.3 nm wide.
This sampling interval is sufficient to completely
describe absorption features for solids in this
wavelength region. Continuous strip images, 32
pixels wide and 128 spectral bands are acquired from
the NASA C-130 aircraft. The 128 spectral bands are
acquired by stepping the spectrometer grating through
four positions during the time it takes to fly
forward 1 pixel width on the ground. The area array
is read out between each grating position, and the
data are recorded on the aircraft with a high density
analog tape recorder. The IFOV of AIS is 1.9
milliradians, which produces a ground pixel size of
approximately 8 x 8m for a typical operating altitude
of 4200m. To aid in locating the AIS ground track, a
boresighted 35 mm camera acquires black and white,
wide field of view photography.
In order to test the capability of imaging
spectrometry for mineral identification with the AIS,
the Cuprite mining district of Nevada was chosen for
study. The Cuprite area contains both hydrothermally
altered and unaltered rocks, well exposed and nearly
devoid of vegetation. The altered rocks overflown in
this study contain secondary quartz, opal and clay
minerals, and the area has been subjected to
extensive study with broad-band multispectral images
in the visible reflective and emissive infrared
(Abrams et al. 1977; Kahle and Goetz 1983). Several
minerals whose reflectance spectra are shown in
Figure 2 occur in the Cuprite area and have
diagnostic absorption features in the 2.0-2.4 (im
region. The narrow spectral band sampling possible
with an imaging spectrometer should, therefore, allow
these minerals to be identified.
Figure 7a shows the central region of the Cuprite
district overflown with the AIS. The bright areas
are the result of trenching operations that break
through the dark stained surface crust and expose
materials consisting of almost pure silica. The
bottom curve in Figure 7b shows a raw 128 channel
spectrum of a 5 x 5 pixel area in the AIS coverage
outlined in Figure 7a. The major features are the
broad atmospheric water bands centered at 1.4 and 1.9
Urn and the solar irradiance curve, which exhibits a
rapid falloff toward longer wavelengths. A shortcut
to modellino the atmospheric and insolation effects
can be made if one normalizes the data to an area in
the image having little or no topographic relief and
uniform, known spectral reflectance characteristics.
The top curve in Figure 7b is the result of this
normalization procedure. Spectral features in the
surface material become more apparent in the
normalized spectrum because the removal of systematic
effects makes it possible to display the data at
their full radiometric resolution. Enhanced
32-channel images covering the region from 2.03-2.32
Hm and acquired in the area outlined in Figure 7a are
Figure 7. (a) air photo of a portion of the Cuprite
mining district in Nevada, superimposed with the AIS
coverage. (b) spectra (128 channels) derived from a
5x5 pixel area in the AIS image of the Cuprite
mining district. The normalized spectrum
approximates the ground spectral reflectance. (c) a
set of 32 AIS spectral images over Cuprite taken at
9.3 nm intervals between 2.03 and 2.32 |lm in which
each pixel spectrum has been normalized to produce an
equal area under the reflectance curve. The
differing reflectance characteristics as a function
of wavelength are clearly visible (location a)(Goetz
et al. 1985).
shown in Figure 7c. Surface features having
absorption bands can be recognized by changes in
contrast with respect to their surroundings.
Spectra can be derived on a pixel by pixel basis from
any point on the AIS image. Figure 8 shows a single
9.3 nm wide channel image at 2.03 |lm taken from
Figure 7c and the reflectance spectra derived from
averages of 3 x 3 pixel areas from all 32 images.
Three general spectral classes are seen. The spectra
taken from the hill in the lower portion contain an
absorption doublet which matches that of kaolinite.
A laboratory spectrum of a field sample from a
spectral reference library is shown. The spectra
show a single broad absorption feature centered at
2.17 (im indicative of alunite, a mineral associated
with altered feldspathic rocks. A laboratory
reflectance spectrum of a field sample is
superimposed. Spectra obtained from the top of the
image are devoid of absorption features since this
surface material consists of almost pure quartz,
which does not exhibit spectral absorption features
in this wavelength region except for a weak Si-OH
feature at 2.25 pm.
The Airborne Visible and Infrared Spectrometer
(AVIRIS) is a second generation remote sensing
instrument under development at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory as part of NASA's imaging spectrometer
program. It is expected to be operational during
1987. In contrast to the AIS, it is an
optomechanical scanner which uses line arrays of
detectors to image a 550 pixel-wide swath in 224
contiguous bands from 0.4-2.4 pm. The instrument
will be flown at high altitude in either a NASA U-2
or ER-2 to provide broad coverage with resolution
equal or better than that proposed for future space
missions. By flying above 95% of the Earth's
atmosphere, AVIRIS will provide representative data
for the evaluation and potential correction of
atmospheric effects. The functional parameters of
the instrument are given in Table 2.
The swath is overscanned by 3° to permit onboard roll
correction by the instrument's gyroscope. The 224
spectral bands are acquired with four separate
spectrometers and line array detectors, connected to
the scanner for optics by optical fibers (Figure 9).
Figure 8. AIS
pixel spectra <
Direct identifi
area can be rr
spectral re
lines), and the
Figure 9. Opti'
infrared imagir
Figure 10. Opti
Each line arraj
dewar to prov
calibration soi
by optical fib
for determinine
holmium oxide
monitoring spec
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indium antimon
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silicon line
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These studies
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