Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

Paul G. Pilon 
Remote Sensing Section 
Inventory Branch, Ministry of Forests 
British Columbia, CANADA 
Canada, over the last decade, has played a leading role in the design and operation of airborne linear 
array sensors and the development of specific applications for forestry. These state-of-the-art imaging systems 
have the potential to revolutionise forest management by providing more efficient and cost-effective sources 
of digital information which are readily compatible with computer-based information systems. The improved 
radiometric, spatial and spectral performance of data from these sensors are able to provide improved feature 
discrimination when compared to existing optical-mechanical sensors. 
A review of the pertinent published literature on the use of airborne linear array data for forestry 
applications indicates that such data can provide improved, forest inventory mapping, regrowth monitoring, 
insect and disease damage assessment, inventory update and forest sampling, and can offer multispectral 
imaging with stereoscopic and superior cartographic accuracies. 
Research performed in forestry using airborne linear array data combined with recent advances in 
inertial navigation and global positioning systems, image analysis and GIS technology, optical data storage 
and artificial intelligence are at a stage where operational applications are becoming feasible. 
Key Words: Airborne Linear Array, Forest Inventory, MEIS, FU, CASI 
Obtaining detailed and up-to-date resource 
information is essential for effective forest 
management. With the advent of computer-based 
information systems it is becoming increasingly 
important that resource data be computer 
compatible and be capable of being computer 
processed in an efficient and cost-effective manner. 
Airborne linear array sensors can provide detailed 
digital data at resolutions comparable to 
conventional aerial photography. The improved 
radiometric, spatial and spectral performance of 
data from these sensors provide improved feature 
discrimination when compared to existing optical- 
mechanical sensors. Canadian scientists, over the 
last decade, have played a leading role in the 
advancement of linear array technology and the 
development of specific applications for forestry. 
Research using the MEIS (Multispectral 
Electro-Optical Imaging Sensor) linear array 
imager has demonstrated a large potential of such 
technology for forestry applications. MEIS data 
has shown excellent potential for softwood species 
identification and discrimination (Leckie and 
Dombrowski, 1984), regrowth monitoring 
(Kneppeck and Ahem, 1987) and insect and 
disease damage assessment (Ahem et al., 1986; 
Epp and Reed, 1986; Kneppeck and Ahem, 1989). 
imaging areas of different forest type (Edel and 
Bianchi, 1986) and has been used to monitor forest 
stress and forest disease and damage (Miller et al., 
1986; Rock et aL, 1988; Banninger, 1988). The 
success of research results from these sensors, to 
date, has been significant enough to warrant 
further investigation directed at developing 
operational forestry inventory systems which would 
utilize airborne linear array imager technology. 
Linear array imagers are a significant 
advancement in electro-optical sensor technology 
and have provided unique opportunities for the 
development of operational forestry applications. 
Electro-optical sensors have undergone three stages 
of evolution since the late 1960’s: 
First Generation 
single detector optical-mechanical line 
scanners (e.g., Landsat MSS and TM and 
the airborne Daedalus MSS); 
Second Generation 
multi-element linear array pushbroom line 
scanners (e.g., MEIS II and SPOT HRV); 
Third Generation 
two-dimensional multi-element array 
imaging spectrometers (e.g., the Canadian 
FLI and CASI systems and the American 
The FLI (Fluorescence Line Imager) 
system, although designed primarily for ocean 
applications, has been demonstrated over land for

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