Full text: Proceedings of the Symposium on Global and Environmental Monitoring (Part 1)

• It aggregated the data for Alaska’s then 23 boroughs 
and census areas into 5 entities that it treated as the 
statistical equivalents of counties; 
• It did not provide separate data for independent cities 
and most counties that were coextensive with an 
incorporated place; and, 
• It did not include a few other counties and statis 
tically equivalent entities. 
8 The 41 entities included the 37 “census subareas” in 
Alaska and the 4 “quadrants” in Washington, D.C. 
9 The 40 entities include the 40 “census subareas” in 
Alaska. At the request of the government of the District 
of Columbia, the “quadrants” are not being used for the 
1990 census; they have been replaced by a single MCD 
called “Washington.” 
10 In agreement with the State of Hawaii, the Census 
Bureau does not recognize the city of Honolulu, which is 
coextensive with Honolulu County, as an incorporated 
place for purposes of statistical presentations. Instead, 
the State delineates, and the Census Bureau provides 
data for, CDPs that define the separate communities 
within Honolulu County. 
11 The 1987 economic censuses included only those 
incorporated places having a population of 2,500 or 
more, except for three smaller places. 
12 The 1987 economic censuses included as places those 
minor civil divisions in the six New England States, 
New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania that 
contained 10,000 or more people. 
13 In the six New England States, the 1987 economic 
censuses aggregated the data for those portions of 
counties that were not included in some metropolitan 
area as the statistical equivalents of places. 
14 This number includes 102,235 entities that the 
Census Bureau called enumeration districts — EDs - for 
the 1980 decennial census. All portions of the United 
States are covered by block groups for the 1990 census. 
15 Includes only those eligible areas participating 
under the provisions of Public Law 94-171. 
16 Data were tabulated by census block only for limited 
areas in the 1980 decennial census - urbanized areas 
and their vicinity, other incorporated places with a 
population of 10,000 or more, and areas that chose to 
contract with the Census Bureau for such data. (The 
latter category included 5 entire states: Georgia, 
Mississippi, New York, Rhode Island, and Virginia.) 
Carbaugh, L.W. and R.W. Marx, 1990. “The TIGER 
System: A Census Bureau Innovation Serving Data 
Analysts.” Government Information Quarterly, 7(3), 
pp. 285-306. 
Kinnear, C., 1987. “The TIGER Structure.” Proceedings 
Auto-Carto 8, ACSM, Bethesda, MD-USA, pp. 249-257. 
LaMacchia, R.A., 1989. “The TIGER File and Redis 
tricting.” Paper presented at the Conference on Re 
apportionment and the 1990 Census, Orlando, FL-USA. 
LaMacchia, R.A. and S.G. Tomasi, 1990. “Planned 
TIGER System Products.” Paper presented at the an 
nual spring conference of The Government Publications 
Librarians of New England, Amherst, MA-USA. 
Marx, R.W., 1986. “The TIGER System: Automating 
the Geographic Structure of the United States Census.” 
Government Publications Review, 13, pp. 181-201. 
Marx, R.W., 1988. “LIS/GIS Activities of the United 
States Census Bureau.” Paper presented at an infor 
mation exchange sponsored by the United States 
Embassy, Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany. 
Marx, R.W., 1990a. “Census Geography.” Applied 
Community Research, Monograph Bl, American 
Chamber of Commerce Researchers Association, 
Alexandria, VA-USA. 
Marx, R.W. (guest editor), et al., 1990b. “Special 
Content: The Census Bureau’s TIGER System.” 
Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 
17(1), ACSM, Bethesda, MD-USA, pp. 9-113. 
Marx, R.W. and A.J. Saalfeld, 1988. “Programs for 
Assuring Map Quality at the Bureau of the Census.” 
Proceedings of the 4th Annual Research Conference, 
U.S. Bureau of the Census, Washington, DC-USA, 
pp. 239-259. 
McKenzie, B.Y. and R.A. LaMacchia, 1987. “The U.S. 
Geological Survey - U.S. Bureau of the Census 
Cooperative Digital Mapping Project: A Unique Success 
Story.” Paper presented at the fall meeting of the 
American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Reno, 
Torrey, B.B., R.W. Marx, and R.A. Turnage, 1989. 
“Global Change, Population, and the Role of a TIGER.” 
Proceedings International Geographic Information 
Systems (1GIS) Symposium ’89, AAG, Washington, 
DC-USA, pp. 315-318. 
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1985a. “Census Bureau 
Programs and Products.” Factfinder for the Nation, 
CCF No. 18 (Rev.). Washington, DC-USA. 
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1985b. TIGER Tales. 
Washington, DC-USA. 
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1987. Counting for 
Representation: The Census and the Constitution. 
Washington, DC-USA. 
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1988. “History and 
Organization.” Factfinder for the Nation, CCF No. 4 
(Rev.). Washington, DC-USA. 
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1989a. 1990 Census of 
Population and Housing Tabulation and Publication 
Program. Washington, DC-USA. 
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1989b. Census ABCs: 
Applications in Business and Community. Washington, 
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1989c. Strength in Numbers: 
Your Guide to 1990 Census Redistricting Data from the 
U.S. Bureau of the Census. Washington, DC-USA. 
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1989d. TIGER ! Line 
Precensus Files, 1990 Technical Documentation. 
Washington, DC-USA. 
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1990a. 1987 Agricultural 
Atlas of the United States, Volume 2, Subject Series, 
Part 1. Washington, DC-USA: U.S. Government 
Printing Office. In Press. 
U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1990b. Census '90 Basics. 
Washington, DC-USA. 

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