labié 1: Landsat Thematic Mapper Sensor System.
Number of Channels
Spectral Range
Noise Equivalent Reflectance/
Temperature Difference
Quantisation Levels
Altitude (nominal)
Ground Instantaneous Field of View (G1F0V)
Field of View (FOV)
Swath Width (nominal)
0.45 - 2.35 fim (visible-shortwave infrared)
10.40 - 12.50 /xm (thermal infrared)
0.5 - 2.0 (visible-shortwave infrared)/
0.5 K (thermal infrared)
705 km
30 m (visible-shortwave infrared)
120 m (thermal infrared)
185 km
Table 2: Landsat Thematic Mapper Bands for Vegetation Assessment.
Channel Bandwiddth
Plant Canopy Relationship
TM 1
0.45 - 0.52
Region of maximum chlorophyll and carotenoid
absorption. Strong relationship between spectral
reflectance and plant pigment concentration.
TM 2
Green vegetation reflection peak. Slight sensitivity
to plant chlorophyll concentration.
TM 3
0.63 - 0.69
Strong chlorophyll absorption region. Strong
relationship between spectral reflectance and
plant chlorophyll concentration.
TM 4
0.76 - 0.90
High vegetation reflectance. Strong relationship
between spectral reflectance and vegetation
density and vigor.
TM 5
1.55 - 1.75
Reflection peaks within the water absorption
region of the shortwave infrared. Both bands
TM 7
2.08 - 2.35
are highly sensitive to leaf water content.
TM 6
10.40 - 12.50
Leaf Temperature and Emisivity.