/} and if is a pair of matched line segments. Strength
from T K lf to l l . is defined in Figure 2, dragging the
vertical point q of T k lf to the vertical point p of /J. The
strength can be decomposed into first rotating T k lf by
a a to l s , then translating i s by sr to l r . It is
represented by
AT k =A R* °A Sh k . (20)
The volume of the strength from T k lf to is evaluated
by how much it can be saved in conditional information
after transformation. It is defined as follows.
Adjustment on T k is calculated by weighed average of
the strength between matched line segments.
AT k =AR k 0 ASh k (22)
AK‘ =- X(V,‘-AR # *).
ASh l =-
^ (i,j)eh
direction of V.
C. Fine adjustment strategy
Adjustment in each iteration can be estimated by strength
analysis. Flowever, the distance measure evaluates not
only the matches between line segments, but also
between image points. The claimed adjustment by
strength analysis is invalid if the distance measure can not
be minified. In that case, to move on to the next iteration,
all the possible adjustment, increasing or decreasing a
step value to translation and rotation parameters, are
tested to find an acceptable adjustment. The iteration will
be stopped when convergence or the distance measure
can never be minimized.
2.2 Matching ground points
Ground points are extracted as follows. Given a resolution,
tessellating the laser range image into a two-dimensional
image along X and Y-axis of the sensor’s coordinate
system. Pixel value of the image is set by the minimal Z-
coordinate of the laser range points falling into the
tessellating cell. Ground points near to the viewpoint are
interpolated. Matching of ground points is conducted as a
least square minimization problem. Cost function is
formed by the residual in Z-coordinate of the ground
points near to each viewpoint.
When aligning multiple overlapping laser range images by
pair-wise registration, estimation error in pair-wise
registration might be accumulated and propagated.
Y.Chen and G.Medioni, 1992 solved the problem by
registering the newly introduced view with the merged
data of all previous registered views. Shum et al. 1994
formulated the multiple views’ registration as a problem of
principal component analysis with missing data, which
can be generalized as a weighted least square
minimization problem. Our case is similar to B.Kamgar-
Parsi et al. 1991, and we agree with them that pair-wise
registration has optimized local matching, global matching
should minimize the violation to local matching. We
formulate the multiple views’ registration as a least square
minimization problem. The cost function defined involves
four transformation parameters, a horizontal rotation angle
and three translation parameters. Generalization of the
method to more complicated cases is straightforward. The
cost function is defined as follows (Figure 3).
E s = co d XK -) 2 + X(«» -“p) 2
(i,j)eh (i,j)eh\(i,k)eh
+ £(<?« -^i) 2 +®a
(i,j)eh (i,j)eh
Where, (^,«^,0..,«..) stand for the values in global
matching, while (d..,a; y *,0..,a; y ) for those in local
matching. (co d , co p , co 9 , co a ) serve as weights for different
contributions of the components. The first two components
evaluate the violation to the three translation parameters,
while the last two for the rotation parameter. They are
independent, and can be treated separately. Minimization