Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed full manuscripts (Pt. A)

In: Paparoditis N., Pierrot-Deseilligny M.. Mallet C. Tournaire О. (Eds). I APRS. Vol. XXXV1I1. Pan ЗА - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3. 2010 
Wolfgang Forstner 
University Bonn. Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation 
Department of Photogrammetry. Nussallee 15, 53121 Bonn, Germany 
wf@ipb.uni-bonn.de. http://ipb.uni-bonn.de 
Commission Ill/I 
The paper presents a method for automatically and optimally de 
termining the vanishing points of a single image, and in case the 
interior orientation is given, the rotation of an image with respect 
to the intrinsic coordinate system of a lego land scene. We per 
form rigorous testing and estimation in order to be as independent 
on control parameters as possible. This refers to (1) estimating 
vanishing points from line segments and the rotation matrix. (2) 
to testing during RANSAC and during boosting lines and (3) to 
classifying the line segments w. r. t. their vanishing point. Spher 
ically normalized homogeneous coordinates are used for line seg 
ments and especially for vanishing points to allow for points at in 
finity. We propose a minimal representation for the uncertainty of 
homogeneous coordinates of 2D points and 2D lines and rotations 
to avoid the use of singular covariance matrices of observed line 
segments. This at the same time allows to estimate the parame 
ters with a minimal representation. The vanishing point detection 
method is experimentally validated on a set of 292 images. 
The orientation of a camera with respect to a world coordinate 
system is a classical task of photogrammetry. It can only be de 
termined in case some information about the w'orld is available 
and can be identified in the image. Determining the camera pose 
using reference points or lines visible in the image are classical 
and use either the spatial resection or the direct linear transforma 
tion. depending on whether the camera is calibrated or not. Re 
ducing the amount of prior knowledge leads to the area of inverse 
perspective, where partial information about the object and the 
image can be derived using generic geometric properties of the 
scene, especially the existence of parallel or orthogonal straight 
lines. Going beyond, recent attempts to exploit illumination ef 
fects visible in an image allow to derive rough estimates of the 
orientation of the camera or the direction of the light source. 
This paper presents a method for detecting vanishing points and 
possibly the rotation matrix of the camera w. r. t. the intrinsic 
coordinate system of a Lego land or Manhattan world with two 
or three mutually orthogonal sets of straight lines visible in the 
image. The paper is motivated by two observations of previous 
approaches: (1) The difficulty to represent the space of solutions, 
the unit sphere in two or three dimensions, within a search or es 
timation process and (2) lack of a standard algorithmic sequence 
for statistically rigorously inferring the desired parameters. 
The main goal of the paper therefore is to apply rigorous testing, 
classification and estimation in all steps of a stochastic algorithm 
in order to reduce the number of control parameters and to obtain 
optimal results in terms of reliability and accuracy. To exploit 
the framework of projective geometry, w'here uncertain elements 
regularly are characterized with singular covariance matrices and 
during estimation require additional constraints, we propose a 
minimal representation of the uncertainty and the parameters to 
be estimated. These tw ; o means at the same time solve the two 
above mentioned problems of representation and rigorous esti 
The paper is organized as follows. We first give a short review 
on previous approaches for handling the two mentioned prob 
lems within vanishing point detection and rotation estimation. 
We then introduce a minimal representation overcoming singu 
larities, which is used for a method for vanishing point detection 
and rotation estimation. We experimentally validate the method 
on a set of 292 images. 
Notation. We distinguish between the name, say of an entity 
and its representation, say x. We distinguish homogeneous vec 
tors or matrices, say the 3-vector x or the 3 x 3-matrix K. from 
Euclidean vectors or matrices, say the 2-vector x and the 3x3- 
matrix R. Stochastical variables, say x, are underscored. The unit 
matrix is denoted with l n . the skew symmetric 3 x 3-matrix S(x) 
of a 3-vector induces the cross product, thus x x y = S(x)y. 
In case an equation contains homogeneous entities on both sides, 
the equality sign = means equality up to a factor ^ 0. Concate 
nation of scalars, vectors and matrices follows Matlab style: 
horizontal concatenation reads [a, b], vertical reads [a; b\. 
Vanishing point detection has been attacked at least since Barnard's 
influential paper 1983, addressing the unit sphere representation 
of the space of all vanishing points. When referring to one vanish 
ing point all lines not going through this point are outliers highly 
robust methods are required, e. g. clustering [Straforini et al., 
1992]. the Hough transform [Tuytelaars et al., 1998] and random 
sample consensus [Wildenauer and Vincze, 2007]. Heuvel ] 1998] 
included an estimation of the rotation matrix. A good review is 
given by Rother [2000]. However, quite a number of recent pub 
lications address special aspects, such as including lens distor 
tion [Grammatikopoulos et al., 2007], focussing on road scenes 
[Kong et al., 2009]. efficient clustering processes [Schmitt and 
Priese. 2009]. or a new method based on the socalled J-linkage 
algorithm for efficient clustering [Tardif. 2009]. 
Statistical modelling in the context of vanishing point detection 
has been adressed by Collins and Weiss 11990] w-ho used models 
for the uncertainty of lines and vanishing point for optimal esti 
mation, [Heuvel. 1998] who tracked the uncertainty through the 
sequence of decision steps or Coughlan and Yuille [2003], who 
include generic knowledge of the distribution of the lines, which 
was the basis for Deutscher et al. [2002]. where also the principle 
distance was estimated, and Schindler and Dellaeit [2004], who 
use an expectation-maximization approach to find more that one 
triplet of vanishing points. 
Our approach, similar to the one of Heuvel [1998]. tracks the 
uncertainty from the automatic line detection, via the vanishing 

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