Full text: Papers accepted on the basis of peer-reviewed full manuscripts (Pt. A)

In: Paparoditis N., Pierrot-Deseilligny M. Mallet C.. Tournaire O. (Eds). 1APRS. Vol. XXXVIII. Part ЗА - Saint-Mandé, France. September 1-3. 2010 
L. Lelégard 0 ’*, M. Brédif 0 , B. Vallet 0 . D. Boldo b 
a Université Paris Est, IGN, Laboratoire MATIS, 73 avenue de Paris, 94165 Saint-Mandé, France 
(laman.lelegard, mathieu.bredif, bruno.vallet)@.ign.fr 
b EDF R&D - Département STEP, 6 quai Watier, 78401 Chatou, France - didier.boldo@edf.fr 
Commission III 
KEY WORDS: Motion blur, blur detection, airborne imagery, Fourier Transform 
This paper presents a simple yet efficient approach for automatic blur detection in aerial images provided by a multi-channel digital 
camera system. The blur in consideration is due to the airplane motion and causes anisotropy in the Fourier Transform of the image. 
This anisotropy can be detected and estimated to recover the characteristics of the motion blur, but one cannot disambiguate the 
anisotropy produced by a motion blur from the possible spectral anisotropy of the underlying sharp image. The proposed approach 
uses a camera with channel-dependent exposure times to address this issue. Under this multi-exposure setting, the motion blur kernel 
is scaled proportionally to the exposure-time, whereas the phase differences between the underlying sharp colour channels are 
assumedly negligible. We show that considering the phase of the ratio of the Fourier Transforms of two channels enhances blur 
detection. Results obtained on 2000 images confirm the operational efficiency of our method. 
For more than fifteen years, mapping agencies and photo- 
grammetric companies have been working on digital airborne 
image acquisition, phasing out traditional silver film. This 
important change brought many improvements, especially in the 
radiometric quality of images where each pixel could be given a 
physical value after a radiometric calibration of the camera, 
which was not the case with silver film. The chemical process of 
film development cannot be entirely under control. A good 
radiometric quality is often required in order to produce ortho 
images (i.e. mosaics of images that can be geometrically 
superposed with a map) without visible boundaries (Kasser & 
Egels, 2002). 
To provide high quality images, the flights often take place in 
summer, when the brightness is optimal. However flying in 
summer has one drawback: the significant tree foliage causes 
problematic occlusions when studying the characteristics of the 
ground level (topography, path, rivers, etc.). The only way to 
have leafless trees is to fly the mission between autumn and 
spring when the luminosity is weak. Thus, the exposure time 
should be increased, at the risk of causing motion blur. 
Fortunately, the images in which the blur is significant (more 
than 2 pixels) represent a very small proportion of the mission. 
In preparation for photogrammetric and remote sensing studies, 
aerial acquisitions are planned with an important overlap 
between two images. The strong overlaps generally chosen 
ensure that a ground point appears on at least four pictures. This 
redundancy is the reason why it can be chosen to simply remove 
blurred images without trying any restoration. This choice is 
justified by the fact that it is almost impossible to have all the 
images seeing the same ground point blurred. Until now the 
removal of blurred images was done manually by an operator. 
We propose in this article an automatic method for blur 
detection that makes this long and tedious work easier. 
First, we will describe the channel-dependent exposure time 
camera for which our method is designed. Then we will review 
the state of the art, which will show that blur detection is less 
discussed than blur correction. Our method of blur detection 
will then be presented in two parts: first, a simple and mono 
channel approach based on the module of the Fourier Transform 
of the image, then an improvement based on a multi-channel 
approach. A test on 2000 images eventually illustrates the 
reliability of the method. 
The images are provided by a multi-channel camera system 
(Figure 1). This multi-sensor system has been preferred to a 
classical Bayer sensor for many reasons. Among them, the lack 
of coloured artefacts, a better dynamic range in the shadowed 
areas and the possibility of using a fourth channel in the near 
infra-red wavelengths for remote sensing applications. In our 
study, only the visible wavelengths (between 380 and 780 nm) 
are considered. 
The relative response of the three channels (R, G, B) are 
influenced by the KAF-16801LE sensor performances (Eastman 
Kodak Company, 2002) and by the colour filter transmission 
(CAMNU, 2005) as illustrated on Figure 2. In particular, the 
response in the blue channel is very low relative to other 
channels. There are two solutions to deal with this problem. The 
first idea is to simply multiply the blue signal by a constant to 
enhance the blue channel, but its noise will be multiplied 
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