Full text: CMRT09

CMRT09: Object Extraction for 3D City Models, Road Databases and Traffic Monitoring - Concepts, Algorithms, and Evaluation 
(a) Matikainen et al., 2007 
(b) Champion, 2007 
(e) Rottensteiner, 2008 
(f) Champion, 2007 
(g) Rottensteiner, 2008 
(h) Olsen and Knudsen, 2005 
Figure 3. Evaluation Details (same colour code as Figure 1). FP new cases related to DSM errors (shadow areas), in Marseille 
streets (a)-(b) and Toulouse (c)-(d); (e)-(f) FN new cases (small changes); (g)-(h) FP new buildings related to bridges. 
completeness rates for demolished buildings and the high 
correctness for unchanged buildings that could be achieved in 
these contexts highlight the effectiveness of the presented 
approaches in verifying the existing objects in the databases. 
The main limitation in terms of qualitative efficiency concerns 
the relatively high number of FN new buildings - up to 12.1% 
in the Marseille test area with (Rottensteiner, 2008) - that are 
mostly related to the object change size. The economical 
efficiency of the presented approaches seems to be promising, 
with 80-90% of the existing buildings requiring no further 
attention by the operator. These buildings are reported to be 
unchanged, which saves a considerable amount of manual 
work. In terms of the economical efficiency, the main limitation 
is a high number of FP demolished buildings that have to be 
inspected unnecessarily. Again, this is mainly caused by 
problems in detecting small changes. 
Areas of improvement should concern input data and 
methodologies. Thus, the resolution of LIDAR data 
(1 point/m 2 ) used in this test appeared to be critical for the 
change detection performance: using higher density LIDAR 
data (e.g. 5-10 points / m 2 ) should improve the situation. As far 
as methodology is concerned, new primitives should be used in 
the algorithms, in particular 3D primitives (representing e.g. the 
3D roof planes or building outlines) that can now be reliably 
reconstructed with the 3D acquisition capabilities, offered by 
recent airbome/spacebome sensors. Another concern should be 
the improvement of the scene models used in object detection 
such that they can deal with different object classes and their 
mutual interactions. By incorporating different object classes 
and considering context in the extraction process, several object 
classes could be detected simultaneously, and the extraction 
accuracy of all interacting objects could be improved. 
In this project, we learned how difficult it is to compare 
approaches of very different designs. To carry out a fair test, we 
chose to use the building label images and to limit the type of 
changes to demolished and new buildings. In addition, we chose 
to compare the building label images to the initial vector 
database, basing on a coverage rate featured by the parameter 
T h . Further investigations are necessary to study the actual 
impact of this parameter on the completeness and correctness 
rates. However, if we are aware of these drawbacks, we think 
that this scheme was sufficient to bring out some interesting 
findings. We also hope that our results - in conjunction with 
those of e.g. the ARMURS 3 project - will be helpful to create a 
nucleus of interested people, both in academia and private 
sector, and to speed up the progress in the vector change 
detection field. 
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3 http://www.armurs.ulb.ac.be. Last visited: 30 June 2009. 

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