In: Stilla U, Rottensteiner F, Paparoditis N (Eds) CMRT09. IAPRS, Voi. XXXVIII, Part 3/W4 — Paris, France, 3-4 September, 2009
to reduce the effect of canopy occlusions. The non-linear filter is
a moving kernel of 7x7 that substitutes pixels classified as “tree”
if and only if neighbours are “land”. In Fig. 7 red blobs put in
evidence the reduction of occlusions due to the presence of trees.
4.2 Roundabout Extraction
After filtering, before extract roads, roundabouts are identified us
ing a Hough transform applied to circular shapes. Hough trans
form is useful to extract well-defined shapes as lines, circles or
ellipse; the major drawback is the computational time, which is
high especially for complex shapes (in terms of number of pa
rameters) as ellipses. In Fig. 8, a roundabout extracted from
Mannheim dataset is shown.
Figure 8: Hough transform applied to Mannheim dataset to find
circular shapes as roundabouts
The Hough transform usually tends to overfit the real number of
circular shapes; we use a double thresholding (min - max) to fil
ter the output of Hough. Roundabout shown in Fig. 8 is cen
tred on x = 1194, y = 378 with a radius of 47 pixels (about
22m); min-max values are determined from typical values for
small and/or large roundabouts. The input image for the Hough
transform is obtained by the classified data; in Fig.7 the binary
image is shown; the approach was tested also on different im
ages to validate the extraction procedure; it is also possible to
extract more complex roundabouts (e.g., elliptical) using the Ran
domized Hough Transform also in presence of partial occlusions
(Hahn et ah, 2007). The roundabouts identified with Hough trans
form mask the filtered data supporting the next step: line extrac
tion and clustering.
4.3 Linear Road Extraction
Segment extraction approach starts from the filtered data masked
with roundabouts. Proposed method is similar to region growing
technique usually applied in image segmentation; starting from
a seed point of size one, classified as “land” the algorithm ex
pand regions (in this case a segment) adding one or more pix
els of same class; growing process ends when the region meets
a set of N pixels classified as not-land. The main difference
with the classical region growing is the size of growing space.
In the case of image segmentation, growing space is 2D; in the
case examined in this paper, the expansion is one-dimensional;
next pixel (in both direction left and right) is calculated using
the line parameters in terms of angular value; the pseudo-code
of proposed algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1. The algorithm
has two parameters: Tl and T2. Tl is used to stop growing
process if Tl consecutive points (spurious pixels) classified as
Algorithm 1 Extraction of linear segments
Require: x vector of classified data
1: S vector of extracted segments
2: s vector of candidate pixels belonging to a segment
3: p vector of aligned pixels
4: for j = 0 to j < height do
5: for i = 0 to i < width do
6: for 0 = — 7t/2 to 7t/2 do
7: p <— calculatesegmentjpoints(i,j, 9)
8: start <— 0
9: s.clear
10: for k = 0 to k < p.size do
11: n = count spurious „pixel s(s, start, x)
12: ifn > T2Vi == (width— 1)Vj == (height —
1) then
13: if p.length > Tl then
14: S.add(s)
15: s.clear
16: start «— k + 1
17: else
18: s.add(p[k\)
19: end if
20: end if
21: k <- k + 1
22: end for
23: 9 «- 9 + 1
24: end for
25: i «- * + 1
26: end for
27: j «- j + 1
28: end for
not-land are encountered. T2 is a criteria to specify the mini
mum length of segment; the values of these parameters were set
to Tl = 2 and T2 = 30; a pyramidal down-scaling (factor 0.5) is
performed on filtered data to reduce the complexity of computa
tion. The calculatesegment-points(j,i,9) function, given an
origin (j, i) in the image reference system, and an orientation 9,
returns a list of pixels that belongs to the parametrized line, while
the count spur iousjpixels(s, start, x) returns the number of
spurious pixels (classified as not land) along the segment. The
add function adds a segment to vector S or adds a pixel p[k] to
the vector of candidate pixels belonging to a segment. In Fig.9 an
example of segment extraction on a synthetic image is shown; the
best segment orientation is chosen as the angular value that min
imizes the number of segments extracted; if thresholds Tl and
T2 are set properly, the minimum point is not strongly afflicted
by the presence of noise.
Figure 9: Segment extraction. Top image represent an ideal seg
ment extraction while in the bottom it is tested a noisy image