Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Contents of Volume IV. 
266. On the Equation for the Product of the Differences of all but 
one of the Roots of a given Equation . . . . . 276 
Phil. Trans, t. cli. (for 1861), pp. 45—59 
267. On the Porism of the In-and-circumscribed Polygon . . 292 
Phil. Trans, t. cli. (for 1861), pp. 225—239 
268. On a Neiv Auxiliary Equation in the Theory of Equations 
of the Fifth Order ........ 309 
Phil. Trans, t. cli. (for 1861), pp. 263—276 
269. A Seventh Memoir on Quantics ...... 325 
Phil. Trans, t. cli. (for 1861), pp. 277—292 
270. On the Double Tangents of a Curve of the Fourth Order . 342 
Phil. Trans, t. cli. (for 1861), pp. 357—362 
271. Sur Vinvariant le plus simple d’une fonction quadratique 
bi-ternaire, et sur le résultant de trois fonctions quadratiques 
ternaires .......... 349 
Crelle, t. lvii. (1860), pp. 139—148. 
272. Démonstration d'un théorème de Jacobi par rapport au pro 
blème de Pfaÿ ......... 359 
Crelle, t. lvii. (1860), pp. 273—277 
273. Note sur la transformation de Tschirnhausen . . . . 364 
Crelle, t. lviii. (1861), pp. 259—262 
274. Deuxième Note sur la transformation de Tschirnhausen . . 368 
Crelle, t. lviii. (1861), pp. 263—269 
275. On Tschirnhausen's Transformation . . . . . . 375 
Phil. Trans, t. cli. (1861), pp. 561—578 
276. On the Analytical Theory of the Conic . . . . . 395 
Phil. Trans, t. clii. (1862), pp. 639—662 
277. On the Wave Surface ........ 420 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. m. (1860), pp. 16—22 
278. Note on the Singidar Solutions of Differential Equations . 426 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. ill. (1860), pp. 36, 37 
279. On a Theorem relating to Spherical Conics .... 428 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. ill. (1860), p. 53 
280. On the Conics which touch four given lines . . . . 429 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. III. (1860), pp. 94—96 
281. Note on the Wave Surface ....... 432 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. m. (1860), pp. 142—144

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