Full text: National reports (Part 2)

and its* research division holds current Government 
contracts in connection with design, development and air 
testing of air cameras. 
Hunting Aerosurveys Ltd, have undertaken topographical 
and engineering surveys for Local Authorities and 
Nationalised undertakings in the United Kingdom, and 
mapping for several foreign Governments. Mapping scales 
have varied from 40 feet to 1 inch (1/480) to 1/50,000, and 
contour intervals from 2 ft. (J metre) to 20 metres. The 
Company has also undertaken a considerable amount of aerial 
photography for the Directorate of Colonial Surveys in 
Africa and the West Indies. A wide variety of aircraft is 
used, including the Dakota, Percival Prince, de Havilland 
Dove and Rapide. For cameras, the Company uses the 
Williamson Eagle, and Wild R.C,5> the latter with both 
Aviotar and Aviogon lenses. Ground control for the 
Company 5 s own surveys is usually provided by their own 
surveyors, though in E. Africa this was furnished by the 
local Survey Department# Equipment includes the Wild A5> 
A6 and a8, also Multiplex. 
In addition the Company undertakes field work, supple 
mented by aerial photos, for surveys of natural resources 
(3); contracts have been received from Iraq and Jordan. 
It also conducts extensive exploratory surveys using 
airborne magnetometers and scintillometers. 
In recent years there has been a distinct movement 
towards the greater employment of precision plotting equip 
ment, and two firms have developed new instruments. 
Hilger and Watts Ltd, have produced the Thompson-Watts 
plotter (10, 17)» to the design of professor E.H. Thompson. 
This is a precise instrument based on the Forro principle, 
for aerial triangulation and for plotting at all scales. 
The Williamson Manufacturing Co., Ltd, have produced their 
"L.S.P. M plotter for large and medium scale plotting 
(15» 18). Both instruments will be on view in the 
Although some aerial triangulation is done by plotting

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