Proceedings of the
Commonwealth Survey Officers* Conference 1955
(published by II. K. Stationery Office, London)
2. Paper No, 21
"The Application of Mechanical and Electronic
Computing to the work of the Ordnance Survey"
by Col, R.C.A, Edge M.B.E., B.A., F.R.I.C.S.
3. Paper No, 20
"Aerial Photography and Resources Surveys"
by R.D. 7/e at her head M.A., O.B.E.
Director and General Manager
and V.C, Robertson M.A,, B.3c.
Manager, Resources Surveys Department.
Hunting aer©surveys Ltd.
4. Paper No. 16
"An Aerial Survey Operation Overseas"
by W.P. Smith M.B.E., B.A., F.R.I.C.S.
5» Paper No. 8
"Radio Aids to Surveying"
by C. Powell
Empire Survey Review
(published by The Crown Agents for the Colonies, London)
6. No. 81, Vol, XI
"Note on Thompson's Analysis of the Improvement
resulting from the Use of the Reseau on Aerial
Triangulation by the Ordnance Survey" (1951)
by A. M. Wassef
7. No. 84, Vol. XI
"Local Errors in Relation to Analytical Method
of Air Triangulation"
by A. M. V/assef