Full text: National reports (Part 2)

In the State of Israel ,,Instrumental Restitution“ has found it’s appli 
cations from the year of 1949. Since then we can report a speedy deve 
lopment in it’s use. 
During the last four years Photogrammetry grew in importance in all 
it’s fields: Photography, Mapping, Interpretation and Education. 
Organisations participating in Photogrammetric Works 
1. The Israeli Air Force, equipped with planes and manned with crews 
specialised in Air-Survey missions. 
2. Survey of Israel, Department of the Ministry of Labour, is the 
official organisation for Aerial Photography and Photogrammetric Mapping. 
3. Photogrammetric Institute, Jerusalem, is a private organisation which 
specializes in Aerial Photography and Photogrammetric Mapping. 
Research and Educational Establishments 
1. The Faculty of Geodesy, of the Israel Institute of Technology in 
Haifa, equipped with modern instruments for Terrestrial and Aerial Photo 
grammetry, is engaged in education and research. 
2. The Graduate School of Surveying, under the auspices of the 
Survey of Israel, has among other subjects a complete course in Photo 
grammetry, on it’s second year’s syllabus. 
The Photographic Equipment in use consists of Wild RC5 film cameras, 
with 2 interchangeable cones with f=l 1,5 cm. Aviogon and f=21 cm. Aviotar 
lenses, the picture-size being 18X18 cm. 
During the four year period, 1952—1956, about 12,000 km2 were photo 
graphed, which is equal to half the area of Israel. 
Small and Medium-scale Photogrammetric Mapping is carried out by 
the Survey of Israel. This organisation publishes the standard 1 20,000 
map-series, which constitute the base for maps of smaller scales. The 
contour interval of these maps is generally 10 meters. 
With the development of photogrammetric methods, the recently pro 
duced and published 1 I 10,000 series will constitute the basic maps for all 
smaller scales. Contour interval of these maps is 5 meters. 
Large and Medium-scale maps are plotted by the Photogrammetric 
Institute, Jerusalem. It's plans, varying in scale from 1 I 500 to 1 1 10,000, are 
used generally for Development Projects, Setlements,, Geological Mapping, 
Urban Planning, etc. 
The Photogrammetric Institute recently carried out an extensive survey 
of all the Irrigated Lands in the Country. 
Due to the rapid development of our Country, Graphical and Instru 
mental Revision of the existing maps is continuously carried out by the 
Survey of Israel.

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