Future Mapping Projects
We intend to initiate Cadastral Mapping in our Country and are
striving to find the best and most efficient methods for it’s implementation.
Aerotriangulation according to the Zeller-Brandenberger-Zarzicky
method is employed in both a. m. mapping organisations.
Survey of Israel prefers high-altitude photography for it’s purposes,
the scale of these being 1 I 35,000 — 1 I 40,000.
At the Photogrammetric Institute the scale of photography varies
between 1 I 8000 and 1 I 25,000.
Ground Control
Control points are identified on the photographs and are marked on
the ground before the flight only in exceptional cases.
For small-scale mapping the position of the control points is deter
mined with third-order accuracy, height is measured by vertical angle
For Large Scales levelled travers-points are used.
Mapping Accuracy
The required Mapping Accuracy is laid down in the State-Regulations
for Topographic Mapping.
For 1 : 20,000 scale the tolerance in Planimetry is: 0.2 mm., in Alti
metry + 1.5 meter.
The photogrammetrically plotted manuscripts are checked in the field
and the necessary additions or alterations made.
The first and second-order instruments used in our country are all
manufactured by Wild (A5, A6, A8, E2).
There are also some third-order instruments in use: Radial and
Mahan plotters.
Photo-Maps and Anaglyphs
Photo-maps and Anaglyphs produced from enlarged Photographs are
prepared by the Photogrammetric Institute, Jerusalem.
The largest Photo-Map produced in our country is a big town’s Map
in 1 1250 scale.
Miscellaneous application of Aerial Photographs
The Department of Soil Conservation of the Ministry of Agriculture,
Government and Private Geologists, Oil-prospectors, Railway and Road
Engineers, The Planning Department of the Ministry of the Interior and
many others make extensive use of available Aerial Photographs, wherever