Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Sweden 9 
Fig. 2. The Land Survey Organization. 
The Central Office is directly conducted by the Land Survey Board 
and does mainly technical work, especially map making in stereoscopic 
The Geographical Survey Office is in charge of the. flying and pho 
tographic work requested by the Rural Survey Organizations. The Cen 
tral Office makes plans of the flights, signals and ground control net 
work and also works in the stereoscopic instruments. The District Of fi 
ces investigate the properties, reconnoitre and mark the geodetic and 
photogrammetric control points, put out the signals at the control and 
boundary points, do the geodetic field work and computations, the 
checking of all the photos taken, and also the editing and final drawing 
of the maps. 
The Photogrammetric Instruments and Methods used by the Rural 
Survey Organizations. The equipment of the Central Office includes 
the following stereoscopic instruments: 
1 Wild Autograph A 5 
1 Wild Autograph A 6 
1 Wild Autograph A 8 
1 Zeiss Stereotop

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