Full text: General reports (Part 3)

insofar as possible, team approaches based on utilization of training and talents 
from many disciplines. Group discussion is one of the most powerful tools. 
From it evolves one of the greatest efficiencies that can be applied to this 
recognizedly inefficient process called research, for one of the greatest ineffi 
ciencies occurs in the form of invalid results. If the findings are recognized as 
invalid, the invested time and money are lost; if not so recognized and therefore 
accepted, the findings can lead directly away from progress, and only through 
more research and re-education can they be corrected. Group discussion, during 
the planning phases, is one of the best safeguards against invalid experimenta 
Research is an art practiced by a man skilled in that field in which he 
practices the art. It is essentially a creative technique applied to a problem. 
It must also be noted that research never produces the wrong answer. The 
wrong answers come about only when the incorrect interpretation is applied to 
the results, or the wrong methods are applied to research. One might insert that 
wrong answers, wrong interpretations, and wrong methods are distinct prob 
abilities when the non-artist practices research. 
It can be stated that research involves (1) recognition of the problem, (2) 
detailed specification and outline of that problem, (3) evaluation of previous 
research in and related to that field by means of recourse to books, journals, and 
other researchers, (4) the establishment and analysis of methods and proce 
dures, (5) the gathering of data (in the fields of science, this includes making 
systematic observations), (6) analysis (in experimental work, this includes a 
statistical treatment of results to assess the precision of the experiment), and (7) 
the evaluation of the results. In all this, a large share of the experimenter’s 
time goes into the development of the final experimental design. 
Research management has two important responsibilities in the area of 
human factors. First, the responsibility to select a staff possessing the innate 
ability to do good creative work. Second, there must be recognition and under 
standing of the incentives making or producing this will to create. There must 
be the definition of a mission which is broad enough and yet not too broad, the 
provision of a coincidence of authority and responsibility, the recognition of 
accomplishment, and the recognition of the dignity of the individual. A re 
search administrator who achieves these objectives to a high degree will have 
an effective and productive organization. 
The worker, not the administrator, must design the research and select the 
areas for research. To do this, the researcher must be well informed about the 
plans and problems of his organization, must assist in establishing the proper 
communication and must defend the interpretation of his work, assuming the 
responsibility for channeling these results to the point where they can be ef 
fectively utilized. 
Systematic approaches are proposed to the study of problems in photo in 
terpretation. Such a study would include problem analysis, preparation of work 
plans and execution of work plans. 
The immediate problem is to arrange all factors that effect probability of 
recognition of an image. It is essential that there be an evaluation of these fac 
tors in light of the recognition of an image and then an investigation of methods 
of controlling these factors. 
Photo interpretation is defined as the act of examining the photographic 
images of objects for the purpose of identifying the objects and deducing their 

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