Full text: General reports (Part 3)

G VI 1-44 
Bickford, C. Allen, (1952), “The Sampling Design Used in Forest Survey of the Northeast,” Jour. 
Forestry 50: 290. 
Bickford, C. Allen, (1953), “The Use of Aerial Photographs in Estimating Forest Drain,” North 
east Forest Experiment Station, U. S. Dept, of Agric. Sta. Paper 59. 
Black, R. F., (1952), “Polygonal Patterns and Ground Conditions from Aerial Photographs,” 
Boutin, J., (1953), “Notions Sommaires sur L’emploi des Photographies Aeriennes,” RevueFores- 
tiere Française, 11: 727. 
Bowman, Robert I., (1955), “Aerial Reconnaissance of Moose in Summer,” Jour. Wildlife Mgt., 19: 
Burgess, P. F., (1954), “Simple Mapping from Air Photographs,” The Malayan Forester, 17: 194. 
Burkart, E., (1952), “Notizen iiber die Anwendung der Luftphotogrammetrie in der Forstwirt- 
schaft der USA,” Zentralbl. f. d. g. Forst- und Holzwirtschaft. Wien, 340. 
Carow, J., (1955), “The Use of Aerial Photographs in the Lake States Forestry,” K. B. Wood Assoc. 
Chabrol, P., (1953), “Quelques Emplois de la Photographie Aerienne dans un Service de Restaura 
tion des Terrsina en Montage, Revue Forestière Française, 767. 
Chase, C. P. and Spurr, S. H., (1955), “Photo Interpretation Aids, Lake States Forest Experiment 
Station,” U. S. Dept. Agric. Sta., Paper 44. 
Chattin, John E., (1952), “Appraisal of California Waterfowl Concentrations,” Transactions 17th 
N.A. Wildlife Conf., 421. 
Clar, C. R. and Chattin, L. R., “Principles of Forest Fire Management, State Board of Forestry, 
Sacramento, Calif. 
Clark, W. B. M., (1953), “The Forest Resource Survey of Ontario,” Forestry Chron., 29: 31. 
Clason, M., (1954), “A Little about Aerial Photography and Some Ways to Use It,” Skagbrukeren, 
5: 58. 
Clason, M., (1953), “Aerial Photographs in American Forest Practice, Norsk Skogindustri 5: 152. 
Colwell, Robert N., (1954), “A Systematic Analysis of Some Factors Affecting Photographic In 
terpretation,” PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING, 20: 433. 
Colwell, Robert N., (1955), “The PI Picture in 1955,” Photogrammetric Engineering, 21: 720. 
Colwell, Robert N., (1955), “Some Uses of Three-dimensional Models for Illustrating Photogram 
metric Principles,” Photogrammetric Engineering, 21: 491. 
Cosma, D., (1953), “Norme Practiche per L’interpretazione Delle Fotografie Aeree,” Ital. for. 
mont., 8: 42. 
Dahl, B., (1954), “Assessment of Standing Timber Volumes from Aerial Photographs,” Australian 
Forestry, 18: 5. 
Dammis, H., (1955), “Forest Type Mapping with Help of Aerial Photographs,” Yale University, 
Tropical Woods, 102. 
Dill, H. W., Jr., (1952), “Airphoto Interpretation Inventory and Planning,” Jour. Soil Water Cons. 
Dill, H. W., Jr., (1955), “Photo Interpretation in Flood Control Appraisal,” Photogrammetric 
Engineering, 21: 112. 
Dill H. W., Jr., (1955), “A Classification of General Problem Types in Photo Interpretation,” 
Photogrammetric Engineering, 21: 607. 
Feree, Miles J., (1953), “A Method of Estimating Timber Volumes from Aerial Photographs,” Col 
lege of Forestry, State Univ. of N. Y., Tech. Pub., 75. 
Edlund, C. G., Fagerholm, P. O., and Moller, Sven, (1955), “Tolkning av Flygbilder,” 
Emberger, L., Gaussen, H. and Rey, P., (1955), “Notes on Phytogeographic Map Service,” 
Forbes, R. H., (1952), “Aerial Photographs in Fifteen Minutes,” American Forests, 58: 28. 
Francis, E C. and Wood, G. H. S., (1955), “The Classification of Vegetation in North Borneo from 
Aerial Photographs,” The Malayan Forester, 18. 
Frost, Robert E., 1953, “Factors Limiting Use of Aerial Photographs for Analysis of Soil and Ter 
rain,” Photogrammetric Engineering, 19: 427. 
Garver, R. D., (1953), “Aerial Photo Interpretation by the Forest Service,” Photogrammetric 
Engineering, 19: 117. 
Graham, Paul, H., (1954), “Is Forest Photogrammetry Practical?” Veneers and Plywood, April: 12. 
Graham, Paul H., (1954), “Forest Photogrammetry . . . Techniques and Equipment,” Veneers and 
Plywood, 18: 6. 
Grandjean, A. J., (1954), “The Use of Aerial Photos in Forestry,” Ned. Boschb. Tijdschi., 26: 223. 
Hagberg, Nils, (1953), “Skogsavfattning pa Flygbilder,” (Mapping of forest stands on aerial 
photographs), Norrlands Skogsvardsforbunds Tidskrift, Stockholm, pp. 369. 
Hagstrom, Bjorn, (1953), “Den Tredimensionalla Skogskartan,” Norrlands Skogsvardsf orbunds 
Tidskrift, Stockholm, pp. 257.

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