Full text: General reports (Part 3)

Palley, M. N., (1953), “The Saskatchewan Forest Inventory,” Forestry Chron., 29: 261. 
Parsons, H. H., (1953), “Aerial Timber Mapping.” Thunder Bay Timber Operations Association 
Log Book, 4: 14. ^ 
Plaisance, G., (1953), “Photographies Aeriennes et Forets Degradees,” Revue Forestière Française, 
Pomerening, James A. and Marlin, G. Cline., (1953), “The Accuracy of Soil Maps Prepared by 
Various Methods that Use Aerial Photograph Interpretation,” Photogrammetric Engineer 
ing, 19: 809. 
Rehutanan, Planologi, (1953), “Preliminary Reports on Strip Surveys Based on Aerial Photo 
graphs in the Forest Division of Siak Mandau,” Journal of Forestry of Indonesia, 2: 170. 
Rey, Paul, (1953), “Esquisses Photogrammetriques,” Bui. Soc. d’Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, 
' 88: 186. 
Rey, Paul, (1953), “Photographie Aerienne et Problèmes Forestiers, Revue Forestière Française, 
Rey, P., (1952), “Identification of Vegetation by Aerial Photography,” Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. 
Toulouse, T87. 221. 
Rogers, Earl J., (1953), “A Plan for Research in Fields of Aerial Photo Interpretation,” Photo 
grammetric Engineering, 19: 801. 
Sammi, John C., (1953), “Limitations on Tree Height Measurements by Parallax,” Photogram 
metric Engineering, 19: 617. 
Schatz’.ey, Bryon L. and Korably, Louis S., (1954), “An Introduction to Photo Interpretation 
Problems and Research,” Photogrammetric Engineering, 20: 802. 
Schultz, W., (1952), “Organisation Forstlicher Bildfuge,” Forstarchiv., 23: 183. 
Seeley, H. L., (1955), “A Forest Survey Method,” Forestry Branch, Dept. No. Affairs and Nat. 
Res., Tech. Note 8. 
Sims, W. G., (1954), “Shadow Point Forestry,” Timber Bureau, Commonwealth of Australia, 
Leaflet 67. 
Spurr, S. H., (1954), “History of Forest Photogrammetry and Aerial Mapping,” Photogram 
metric Engineering, 20: 551. 
Spurr, S. H., (1953), “Use of Color Film in Making Anaglyphs,” Photogrammetric Engineering, 
19: 125. 
Spurr, S. H., (1953), “Aerial Photos in Forest Management,” Photogrammetria 4: 33. 
Stanton, B. T., (1953), “Photogrammetry for Practicing Foresters and Woodland Managers,” 
Photogrammetric Engineering, 19: 805. 
Steigerwaldt, Edward F., (1954), “Aerial Photographs—A Conservation Tool,” Wisconsin Con 
servation Bui. 19: 5. 
Stokes, George A., (1954), “An Application of Aerial Photographs to Field Research in Cultural 
Geography,” Photogrammetric Engineering, 20: 802. 
Stone, Kirk H., (1954), “A Selected Bibliography for Geographic Instruction and Research by Air 
Photo Interpretation,” Photogrammetric Engineering, 21: 561. 
Swanson, C. L. W., (1954), “Aerial Photo Requirements for Soil Survey Field Operations,” Photo 
grammetric Engineering, 20: 709. 
Tarkington, R. G., (1953), “An Aspect of Color Photography and Interpretation, Photogram 
metric Engineering, 19: 418. 
Thornton, P. L., (1954), “An Aid for Stereo-dot Counting on Aerial Photos,” Central States 
Forest Experiment Station, U. S. Dept. Agric., Station Paper 84. 
Thurrell, Robert F., Jr., (1953), “Vertical Exaggeration in Stereoscopic Models,” Photogram 
metric Engineering, 19: 579. 
Tomasegovic, Z., (1954), “Stereometers as Hypsometers,” Sum. List, 78: 393. 
Treesdell, Page E., (1953), “Report of Unclassified Military Terrain Studies Section,” Photo 
grammetric Engineering, 19: 468. 
Wear, J. F. and Lauterbach, P. G., (1955), “Color Photographs Useful in Evaluating Mortality of 
Douglas-fir,” Society of American Foresters annual meeting for 1955. 
W’ear, J. F. and Dilworth, T. R., (1955), “Color Photos and Salvage of Beetle Killed Timber,” f 
Lumberman, December, 1955. 
Welander, E., (1952), “Some Experiments in Estimating Forest Stand Data,” Norrlands skogs- 
vardsforenings tidskrift, Stockholm, pp. 204. 
Whitmore, Frank C., (1955), “Manpower for Military Photo Interpretation of Terrain,” Photo- * 
grammetric Engineering, 21: 717. 
Wilson, H. Lee and Berard, Edward V., (1953), “Autumn Colors an Aid to Wildlife Cover Map 
ping,” Jour. Wildlife Mgt., 17: 98. 
Wilson, H. Lee and Berard, Edward V., (1952), “The Use of Aerial Photographs and Ecological 
Principles in Cover-type Mapping,” Jour. Wildlife Mgt., 16: 320. 
Winsor, A. N., (1955), “Props in Photogrammetry,” Jour. Forestry, 52: 664.

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