Full text: General reports (Part 3)

Scales of 1/70,000-1/30,000 
a. Outline total built-up area with urban characteristics. 
b. Outline the major transportation lines going through the city. 
c. Outline the major transportation lines going into or out of, but not 
through the city. 
d. Outline the major physical characteristics of the total built-up area 
and adjoining land (e.g., drainage, surface configuration, natural vegeta 
Scales of 1/30,000-1/10,000 
e. Separate total built-up area into urban and suburban parts. 
f. Outline the kinds of transportational areas in the city (e.g., railroad 
yard, port district, canal area). 
g. Outline minor transportation lines through and only into or out of the 
h. Outline areas of warehouses and open storage adjacent to the transporta 
tion lines. 
j. Outline main heavy industrial areas by interpreting along major trans 
portation lines toward the center of the city. 9 
k. Outline the main commercial areas by interpreting toward the center 
of the city along major and minor transportation lines and particularly 
at transport junctions. 
l. Outline recreational areas. 
m. Outline cemeteries. 
n. Outline residential areas along and between main transportation lines. 
o. Outline areas of the city with respect to selected characteristics (e.g., 
age, street pattern, elevation, multiple residence). 
Scales larger than 1/10,000 
p. Outline the kinds of internal transportation routes (e.g., street car, 
small barge canal). 
q. Mark the locations of and identify individual structures and installa 
tions (e.g., school, railroad classification yard “hump,” sewage disposal 
plant, heavy industrial factory). 
Scale of 1/70,000-1/30,000 
a. Outline major and minor transportation lines in the area of heavy 
industry (Urban j above). 
b. Divide each area of heavy industry into individual factories or groups 
of buildings and structures. 
Scales of 1/30,000-1/10,000 
c. Outline storage units of raw materials by interpreting along major 
transportation lines into each factory. 
d. Outline the units supplying power and heat by interpreting along the 
major transportation lines into each factory. 
9 Many of the old cities of Europe and the Far East have a much more complex areal mixture 
of functions than the newer cities of the Americas and Europe. Nevertheless, the attempt to out 
line areas of similar use, before identifying individual building uses, is valuable for understanding 
the urban patterns.

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