Full text: General reports (Part 3)

GVII-7 (Sup.) 
by aerial photographs in scales of 1:10,000 and 1:5*000. 
These photos are especially useful in the analyzing and 
judging of local details, such as the distribution of arable, 
meadow, pasture, orchards, lands, etc. Projects for re 
allotments of land properties are often drafted on enlarge 
ments of aerial photographs (up to scales 1:2,000). These 
then serve as basic instruction and study material. They 
allow for an easy representation of the allotment system, 
the communication projects, the appraisement of property, 
etc. The very special advantage of this use of photographs 
lies in the fact that, simultaneously with the identification 
of the lots in the field in presence of the committee of 
appraisement, the appraisement-values can be fixed and entered 
immediately into the photographs or photoplans. It has been 
found moreover very easy for the members of appraisement 
committees, being mostly farmers not too well acquainted 
with the reading of maps, to identify the various allotments 
by means of striking objects, such as e.g. single trees and 
rows of trees, ditches, escarpments, etc. Extensive trials 
made in one Canton have shown that it is possible to appraise 
allotments with sufficient accuracy using aerial photographs 
only. This is of special value in the determination and 
calculation of areas of a limited agricultural value, in 
asmuch as it allows for a considerable economy in both work 
to be carried out and time spent. 
The use of photographs for geographical purposes in 
Switzerland has been limited so far to research and teaching. 
Within these limits however all branches of the science 
benefit in some way or other from this valuable aidj above 
all physiography, ecology, investigations of cultural and 
economical problems and land use, etc. As an example, 
may be mentioned the study of Dr. Dieter Brunnschweiler of the 
Geographical Department of the University of Zurich, entitled: 
"Seasonal changes of the agricultural pattern: a study in 
comparative airphoto interpretation" (To be published in 
"Photogrammetrie Engineering").

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