Full text: General reports (Part 3)

GYX1-X4 (Sup,) 
P., (1953), 
Draft la^ Ssheme a 
lands Journal of 
"Tkv Hols of Aerial Photography in 
for Underdeveloped Countries, f? Eethor«* 
tfea Agricultural Service, 2(%), 1953, 
(English) „ 
F^rimgh, P,, (±95%), M Tbe Analysis and Interpretation of 
Aerial Photographs in. Soil Survey and Land Classification.^’* 
Netherlands Journal of the Agricultural Service , 2(l) , 
195'4, (English)„ 
BuriB$fe, Pi,:, and EdGlman, C„Hc> , (1955) • ' Some Bemarka About 
the Soil Conditions of. the Alluvial Plain of Iraq South, 
of Baghdad,' 1 Netherlands Journal of the Agricultural 
Service, 3(1)> 1955, (English). 
Buringh, F„, (1955), M So?pe Problems Concerning Aerial Photo 
Interpretation in Soil Survey, 81 Netherlands Journal of 
the Agricultural Service, 3(2-), 1955, (English). 
Buringh, P*, (±95%), "Soil and Land Classification in Butch 
Nev Guinea,''” Proceedings of the 5th Government Congress 
of Soil Scientists, i T ol II, ¥* 195%, (English) 
Burirgh, F„, and lier-s, W. f 7* V., (195%), "Example of a 
Reconnaissance Soil Map Produced by the Pedologlcal 
Analysis of Aerial Photographs followed by a Study of 
Soils in the Field," Proceedings of the 5th Government 
Congress of Soil Scientests, Yol II, Y, 195%, (English). 
Yeemcnhos, J, 
vey of St 
S., (1955), "A Soil and Land Capability Sur- 
, Marten, St. Eustatlus, and Saba," Foundation 
'or Scientific Research in Surinam and the Netherlands 
Antilles, Utrecht, Ifo, 11, 1955» 
von Frytag Brabbe, C.A.-J*, ".Aerial Photography and Photo 
Interpretation," Yol II and III (Bood published by 
Netherlands Ministry of War) (in English and Dutch).

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