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respect to the camera axis, the maximum residual error at the corners of a wide-angle
photograph (tan 45°=1) will equal the radial error, i.e. = 3 micron. Average error over
the whole field will keep within 2 micron.
The cams are by no means expensive. The user may provide himself with the lathe
and construct the pair of cams corresponding to the objective he is using.
Fig. 2
For normal works the same pair of cams can be used for all the pictures taken by
different lenses of the same type.
The correcting device has always proved satisfactory in providing compensation of
distortion even for objectives that are mostly affected by it, such as the wide-angle types
derived from the Zeiss Topogon.
It is however in connection with modern objectives which show little distortion values
that the Santoni corrector operates at its best.
In fact, as accuracy requirements have been increasing in surveys, it is impossible to
renounce to correct the distortion still existing in these objectives, if only to the extent
of a few hundreds of millimeter.
On the other hand, although keeping within rather close limits, the distortion curves
show a tendency to take on a trend far more individual than that appearing in objectives
of older type, in which small individual aberrations were, perhaps, more easily disguised.
Now, while a true reproduction of such individual curves represents no difficulty for the
cam correcting device, I do not know whether such a thing may be said of either the
optical-mechanical or the optical projection.
Furthermore, it is not to be excluded that, if required, it would be possible to con-
struct the cams so as to take care of small asymmetries that might exist between the
two branches of the distortion curve for the same objective, and for different sections
crossing its axis.
This would obviously afford much better results in plotting than are obtained at
present by the use of the so called “calibrated principal point".
Finally, still keeping within the potentialities of future developments of mechanical