Full text: Reprints of papers (Part 4b)

The map compiled by the new method is easy to furnısh with con- 
tours at the stereoplotting, and the expences for it are moderate. At the 
old method it was too expensive to get contours in the map. The stereo- 
plotting is rapid, cheep and accurate in comparison with the old method 
of map construction and drawing. 
4.3. The staking out of the new boundaries. At the old method all 
boundaries were staked out and their positions fixed for the future by 
geodetic methods using the dense geodetic network. 
Af the new method the geodetic network is fairly open. However the 
photogrammetrically determined supplementary network of single 
points, pointpairs, distance traverses and distance-augle-traverses is 
available and positioned, if possible, just in areas, where a need of it 
1s shown. 
So the geodetic and the supplementary photogrammetric networks 
may be used for the staking out of the new boundaries. The m: ıp details 
can also be used for this purpose. If the new boundaries are drawn on 
the map manuscript and that has been placed in the right position on 
the drawing table of the stereoplotter relative to the oriented model, it 
is possible to follow the boundaries on the manuscript in a microscope 
over the table, but also in the oculars of the plotter. So the boundaries 
can be localized relative details in the photographs and consequently in 
the field, and drawn on contactprints or on enlarged photographs. Dv 
the aid of these photographs the pou itis can be staked out in the 
field directly from the identified details. Permanent details may also be 
used as "fixpoints" to which the ve in of boundaries will be fixed 
geodetically for the future. 
As all the photographs and notations concerning the relative and the 
absolute orientations are stored in public archives and also all informa- 
tions concerning the network, it is possible at every time to make a new 
plotting from the recorded materials or from new photographs taken 
over the again signalized photo-control-points. 
So the possihilitie s of staking out boundaries are more numerous and 
more flexible at the new method than at the old one. 
1.4. Inventory, appraisal and counterbalance in money for discre- 
pancies of forest stands. At the old method inventory was executed by 
four persons and appraisal by three persons, both as field work on two 
separate occasions. At the new method inventory and appraisal are exe 
cuted at the same time but in three steps, first a sparse field work, 
second a photointerpretation indoors, both executed by one landsurvey- 
or and two trustees, and third a field control eventu: ılly {rom helicopter. 
It is obvious that the new method must be rapid, must present a good 
general survey of the area aud also the possibility of concentrating the 
work on the most essential areas. The need of helpers is low and most 
of the work can be performed indoors. In 4.2 some informations are 
given about working capacity. 
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